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     Aaron peeked over the side of the boat to look to the humans

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Aaron peeked over the side of the boat to look to the humans. Men danced around and played music. Smiling as they danced, and then a dog rushed towards him. He gasped and hid before peeking out to see the dog again.

He smiled as the dog gave him a kiss, and then he was called. Aaron perked up at the sound of the voice. He turned around and peeked in once again.

"Max" she smiled and soon danced with the animal once again. Smiled as they jumped around and laughed. "Brother you must keep a eye on Max! Precious boy almost feel Huh..." she knelt down and kissed the dog softly.

Max smiled and jumped to (y/n) hugging her before getting down as Eric smiled and pet the animal. (Y/n) frowned as she felt eyes on her.

Aaron on the other hand stared intently at the woman as his eyes widened, and he realized it was her. He wanted to call for her but realized he shouldn't.

"It's her...." He whispered as Scuttle landed beside him. He rested against his arms as he smiled.

"Silence!" The butler started. Suddenly it went silent. "It is my honor to present our dearest prince and princess with very special! And expensive...gifts..." he smiled.

(Y/n) walked to rest at the window above the one Aaron rested at. She sat on a barrel as her dress flowed down. Everyone cheered at the sight of the statues.

"Oh grim!" The woman smiled and cheered aswell. Then they were both revealed. Everyone laughed as it was made extra.

Eric was dressed fancier and posed weirdly, definitely not Eric's style. (Y/n) frowned as she looked towards the statue of her. She wore a beautiful but extremely fancy dress. She sat on a bench as her hands rested on her lap. Her head turned to the side as she pouted. (Y/n) stood and walked to the statue.

"I suppose...It dose have some features, it's wonderful Grim" She smiled sitting beside her statue.

"Thank you i commissioned them myself" the man smiled. "I suppose I wished it was a wedding present" He scoffed.

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