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"Flounder can't you just tell me..?" Aaron asked softly as he frowned. Curious about what resides inside the cavern.

"It's a suprise!" Flounder smiled. Leading the way as they reaches the normal area.

There it was. The statue that was on the boat earlier in the weeks. It was (y/n).

"Flounder....Your the best" he hugged his friend.

Then he swam closer to the statue. He cupped the concrete cheek of the girl. She pouted as she looked to the side, and even though her dress was extremely overly down, her hair was fixed in an uncomfortable way, and her hands were in her lap. She looked beautiful to him.

"It looks just like her...Even her eye details. Her cheeks and her hair... It all fits..." He smiled.

"Run away with you...? I suppose we shall...live our happily ever after" he smiled as he sat on the bench with her and put his hand on hers as he cupped her cheek once more.

Then he saw him. His father stood in the shadows with a glare as he stared ahead. Flounder swam to hide as Sebastian couldn't even face the merman. Aaron stared in both shock and fear.

"I consider myself reasonable. I set rules and expectations. I expect one thing. For those rules and expectations to be obeyed."

"But dad I-"

"Is it true that you rescued a princess from drowning? A HUMAN princess?" He asked with pure anger.

"Dad- I had to- you don't understand- I know her-"

"Contact between the two species is forbidden and you know this." His father glared. "Everyone knows this."

"S-She would have died" the merman frowned. Tears pricking his vision as he imagined the horrifying fate.

"One less human to worry about."

"You don't even know her." Aaron glared.

"Know her?! I don't have to. Their all the same." Her father glared with anger as he yelled. His voice getting louder than any of the parties present thought possible.

"Dad I love her and there's nothing you can say to stop it" Aaron glared. Everyone gasped in shock and anticipation.

"No. Have you lost your mind?!" He asked in disbelief. "She's a human and your a mermaid!"

"I don't care. She's different and I love her because she dosent care about what I am, she doesn't care about what we are! She accepts and understands us" he tried to reason with a glare.

"I will get through to you boy." He glared. Then his triton glowed and suddenly destroyed everything in sight. All the people gasped as they watched.

Pity, fear, and worry in their eyes. Then the statue was destroyed and Aaron frowned rushing forward. His only connections to the girl above, his only contact was all here. Now it was destroyed into rubble everywhere. He gently held a picture of the girl and cried as he leaned into his arms against the rock.

Everyone gave him a look of pity as they escaped. Leaving the poor merman alone in the cavern as he tried to hold back the breakdown waiting to happen. He didn't care anymore. All he wanted was his dear (y/n).


"Poor child..."

"Poor sweet child..."

"He has a very serious issue..."

"If only we could help...."

"There is something..."

"Who....Who are you two...?" Aaron asked with a sniffle and frown.

"Don't be scared...." The eels smirked as they got closer to the merman. "We represent someone who can help you" they smiled as Aaron glared.

"Someone. Who can make all your dreams come true. Just imagine it- you and your princess...reunited once again to live happily ever after" they smiled.

"I don't get it" Aaron said confused but also highly intrigued.

"Ursino has great powers" The eel smiled darkly.

"The sea wizard...?" Aaron asked with anxiety. "I couldn't..."

Aaron thought about it. He dreamed of what his life would look like with you in it, but he never thought he would stoop to deep levels of desperation. He wanted to be with you without worrying about tricks that the evil wizard had.

"No. Get out of here leave me alone" he glared and turned away.

"Okay then... it was merely a suggestion..." the eels swam away. Suddenly the rock face of (y/n), just her side profile, and Aaron looked.

His heart broke as he contemplated deeply. Maybe for you hed risk the danger of himself to be with you for once. Maybe just maybe, the dreams he dreamed would come true and he would be with you. Even if it was for a second.

"Wait!" Aaron yelled out.

"Yes...?" The eels asked menacingly.


Aaron followed the eels and swam to the sea wizard. His heart pounding in his chest as he moved. His friends calling out to him as he moved.

"Aaron! What are you doing?!" Sebastian asked. Worry lacing his every word.

"I'm going to see Ursino..." Aaron said bluntly

"Aaron- no-" Aaron just scoffs and looks to the crab with a glare.

"If your so worried. Tell my father. You seem pretty great at that." He glared sadly.

Although he pushed them away and ignored their begging. He could feel the stare against the back of his head. Nothing would stop him now though. He was set on being happy. And his happiness was the princess above.

Leaving them to simply follow and watch as he internally panicked more. Then they reached the cave and saw the dark lights, and ominous smoke.

Despite his anxiety, Aaron swam in and saw the begging merfolk turned tiny monsters. They reached out to grab him
As he frowned, he quickly dodged the grasp and swam ahead.

"Come my child, it's rude to lurk in the doorway" Ursino said with a glare. Although he knew to hold back as he didn't want to scare Aaron away. "People may question how you were raised. Now let's talk shall we? Your here because your in love with a princess. Scratch that. You've been in love with a land princess since you were merely a merboy " Ursino smirked.

 You've been in love with a land princess since you were merely a merboy " Ursino smirked

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