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Cloud filled the sky and birds cawed as they flew. The air was muggy but not badly since the breeze blew it all by. Gosh jumped above as they swam. A boat soon coming into vision as it pushed its way through the waves.

I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blues

And it's hey to the starboard heave ho!

The sound of waves crashing along with the tunes the men on the ship sang sounded majestic to the princess along on board. Despite her title she wore a pair of pants and a loose shirt tucked in. She smiled as she leaned over the edge.

Look out,lad and las, a merfolk be waiting for you

In mysterious fathoms below!

The doggie smiled as he leaned with her, her brother pulled a rope as the cloth rose. It revealed a mermaid and merman in the front.

"Isn't this just lovely!?" The girl smiled as she turned to her brother.

"The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face-" Her brother said as he took in the moment before him.

"It's a wonderful day to be on board and sailing in the sea" she sighed as she pet the doggie before her.

"Just. Delightful." The butler said before quickly leaning over to vomit even more.

"What a fine and strong wind. Not to mention the following sea." The sailer smiled. (Y/n) rushed to help. She and Eric pulled the rope before tying it tight.

"King triton must be in a friendly mood" the woman smiled as she looked to the sea below. Suddenly the red headed male came to mind.

"King triton?" Her brother asked confused.

"Ruler of the merpeople lad. I thought every sailor knew of him. Even dear ol (y/n) knew." The one eyed man said.

"I do believe I once had a friend who was the son of the said man" she smiled as she leaned over the edge. A sigh escaping her mouth as she missed him dearly. Although at times she can't remember if it was a dream or not.

"(Y/n) you've always been such an active dreamer" Grimsby said as he sighed. His hand rested on her shoulder.

"Perhaps, but still. I believe deeply that deep down in the ocean they live just as we do." She sighed before gently dropping a fish into the ocean. She never ate fish, or much seafood.

After all her friend was a merman...right?

The fish had escaped and soon tried to find their way home. A breath escaped them as they swam through the other fishies. Past all the beauty of the undersea world. Under the sun, and finally. They reached the land were the merfolk lived.

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