During the trade-off between the autobots and decepticons for the omega keys. One of the human allies will soon learn that she is not who she thinks she is. All Godzilla-related Characters are owned by Toho films. All art, music, and sound effects a...
( It was a battle to restore their home planet of Cybertron between the autobots and Decepticons. The Autobots were extremely close to winning the war. Then came a little ploy by the Decepticons. One where the Decepticons would use their captured human allies as bargaining chips)
( Tonya)
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" (Watches as Bulkhead and Bumblebee trade the Omega keys for Raf and Miko's safety before looking toward Megatron). You rotten tin can. I hope you rot in a grinder what the harm you've caused so many people." Said Tonya. " ( Looks at Tonya with a grin on his face). Ever as deficient as Optimus, eh human. You've been a thorn in my side for far too long. ( Looks at Arcee and Smokescreen). Hand over the omega keys or this one dies right now. " Said Megatron, not noticing the dark-blue glow coming from Tonya. " I'm just getting started helmet head. ( Feel some kind of energy welling up within her as her anger rises). I will find a way to make you pay for what you've done." Said Tonya. " ( thinks to herself). What is she doing, she won't survive the atmosphere here." Thought Arcee to herself.
( Twenty feet miles away)
" ( Floats through space only to stop after feeling a familiar power ). That power... what is my daughter doing all the way out here. ( Feels for where the power is coming from and then locates it). Hang on hun, momma's coming. " Said a kaiju with crystals on both of their shoulders as they fly to where the power is coming from.
( Back on Cybertron)
" Are you truly that much ready to die human?" Asked Megatron. "I can't say the same for someone that doesn't know when to stay dead themselves. You waist of metal. ( Looks over toward Arcee and spots her take that step toward them). YOU TAKE THAT STEP AND YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT ME CONSIDERING YOU AS MY SISTER ARCEE! DO NOT TAKE THAT STEP. (Looks at Megatron). BESIDES, THIS TIN CAN IS A COWARD ANYWAY. HE AND HIS SO-CALLED SOLDIERS CAN'T EVEN FIGHT FOR WHAT THEY WANT SO THEY TRY TO USE UNDERHANDED TACKITS TO GET WHAT THEY WANT, HA. WHAT A JOKE! ( Feels the energy rise higher within her and then senses something heading their way). WHAT'S THIS, SOMETHING FAR BETTER THAN THIS TIN CAN BEHIND ME. THIS SHOULD BE GOOD." Said Tonya. " You little insect, you dare to mock me. fine then. ( Grabs the container that holds Tonya). I'll just let you out myself, and then we'll see who has the last laugh." Said Megatron as he holds the container with his left and a d prepares to smash it open with his right only to suddenly be stopped by something crashing into the ground twelve feet from them while also losing his grip on the container as it flies into the air.
" ( Lands on planet Cybertron and then looks down to see the autobot and Decepticons). So her energy is coming from here hu. Interesting, what exactly would she be doing hi? ( Notices Miko and Raf in their containers and then watches as Megatron tosses a container with a human in it into the air). Ah, so that's what's going on. ( points her left pointer find at the ship behind her). You robots should have kept your war on your home planet. but seeing as how I can sense dark energy from the planet itself and you grey one. ( Glares at Megatron). I'ma go ahead and say that you used this dark energy to try and one-up the red and blue ones group. ( hears something break before feeling the same power signature from before and looks at where the third container had crashed and then realizes something before launching a blast of lighting at the ship behind her while glaring at the grey robot). You waste of metal, your race is supposed to be a race of warriors and scholars but the fact that you would actually use humans to get what you want infuriates me." Said Space Godzilla until she feels the power signature suddenly skyrocket.
" ( Suddenly feels her body begin to change as she also begins to grow). To think that they were actually going to hand over the keys to the cons. I can't even believe this." Said Tonya as her body stops growing and changing once it is the size of a kaiju girl.
( Tonya's Space Godzlilla mode)
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" ( Looks at the younger version of her with a smile). So you were here my sweet girl. I can't wait to show you the galaxy, but I'll need to bring you to your other mothers and sister first. ( Looks down at the Decepticons and Autobots). But first, have fun destroying them." Said Space Godzilla." ( Looks at what Tonya has become but stops after hearing what Space Godzilla had just said). Wait, what did he just say? ( Watches As the now kaijued Tonya swings her left arm down on the decepticons and destroys half of their forces). Tonya, are you still in there? ( Watches as Tonya then walks over to the device that would help restore their home planet). Wait Tonya, no don't, STOP. WE NEED THAT TO RESTORE OUR HOME!" Said Arcee Aas she watches a reddish-blue light emanate from the crystals on Tonya's shoulders.
" Let it rip hunny. We don't want that to destroy your home now do we?" Said Space Godzilla as she watches Tonya launch a beam from her reddish-blue beam from her mouth at the machine and watches as the machine blows up). Nice job hun. ( Looks toward Megatron and fires a red beam of lighting at him which destroys all his deception forces except for Starscream, Knockout, and Soundwave). That's for endangering my daughter's home. ( Looks at Tonya). Alright hun, let's head home." Said Space Godzilla. " (Looks down at the autobots and then swipes Miko and Raf who are still in their containers from Bulkhead and Bumblebee with her left hand. Before grabbing Arcee with her right hand and then flying off into the sky with Space Godzilla following right behind her while fighting her grip on Arcee.
"( Grunts in pain from Tonya's tight grip). Tonya, please. I'm sorry ok. I just wanted to make sure that you and the kids were safe. " Said Arcee. " How would we be safe Arcee? Ratchet ignored our calls to groundbridge us to base saying that he had more important things to do than to worry about a group of children. ( tightens her grip on Arcee). It's because of him that Soundwave was able to snatch us off the streets and it's because of him that I nearly lost my home. For that, he has to pay. ( Looks at Arcee). Now you can either zip it till we get to earth or I can toss you in my mouth and possibly swallow you. I don't care which but for whatever friendship we had. I'd stop squirming. " Said Tonya as they flew to earth.
( Back on Cybertron)
" Did everyone else just see what I just saw?" Asked Bulkhead. " You mean Tonya turning into one of those kaiju girls from the humanness and then taking Miko and Raf along with Arcee back to earth." Said Smokescreen." Ok so it wasn't just me, that's good. But what are we gonna do? " Asked Bulkhead. " ( Contacts Ratchet). RATCHET, EMERGENCY SPACEBRIDGEBRIDGE NOW!" Yelled Optimus as he and the rest of his autobots ran through a portal that had appeared behind them as it then closed once every autobot was through.