Queen Kong

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( It has been a couple of days since the grand battle between two of the four princesses of the monsters. Since then. The other heirs of the monsters trained for when it was their time to shine. However, down beneath the earth. There lives even more kaiju than humanity can possibly imagine. This is a world that all kaiju call  Hollow Earth. It is here that the fourth and final heir of the monsters,  trains and hones her skills. But today, she and her mother are heading above ground to see  Godzilla and Mothra. for they too had felt the tremendous amount of power that had come from both Zena and Hera)

" ( Swims through the ocean while looking for Zena). Where did you go Zena? The day after the battle,  you went off to somewhere beneath the ocean floor." Said  Godzilla until she hears someone call her name and looks down to her right to see  Zilla with Jr. " ( Looks at Godzilla). Jr found  Zena, and you're not gonna believe where she was." Said Zilla as she and Jr swim off to where  Jr found Zena with Godzilla swimming close behind. "  " ( Swims towards a cave and then spots  Zena sitting under a lava waterfall and then point to her). This is where I found her after her fight with Hera. She was sitting in this cave where magma and water mix." Said Jr as Godzilla swims up to  Zena while  Zilla stays back with her.

" ( Swims over to  Zena and smiles at her). You do know that you have your own version of a magma/water bath on your island,  right? ( Looks up and follows the magma trail until she realizes something). You're the one that made the magma/water bath. I was wonder how water was able to reach the magma bath without messing with the lava. ( Looks at  Zena). It's because you gave it a brought that wouldn't mix the two and yet still keep the magma warm." Said Godzilla as  Zena smiles. " Got it in one mom. Though if you are wondering why I came here. It's because this allows me to keep the energy levels of my radiation at a controlled rate." Said Zena. " So it helps make sure that your radiation levels can rise while still being at an acceptable level. Then why aren't there any crystals down here?" Said Godzilla. " ( Points to both her left and her right at two sets of two crystals on both sides). There are,  I just have them there for when I need to regulate the electricity in my body." Said  Zena as she opens her eyes. "Well,  can you hold off on that? I got some friends that I want you to meet. The fourth queen of the monsters, and her daughter that you,  Jr, Mora, and Hera share the titles of heirs of the monsters." Said  Godzilla as she swims to shore with  Jr, Zilla, and  Zena right behind her.

( Up on Heir island.  Mothra and her daughter Mora are currently talking to two other kaiju while walking around the island.  These two kaiju were known as Queen Kong and her daughter Kona. The queen and princess of what was left of their ape kaiju-like kind after  The great war between  The  Kongs, the Godzillas, and the Mutos)

( Queen  Kong)

( Queen  Kong)

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( Kona)

"It's good to see you two again

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"It's good to see you two again. I hope everything is going over down on hollow Earth." Said Mothra. "Everything is going very well Mothra. We just came up here to see what the heck was going on above ground." Said Kong as Godzilla and her group walk out of the water. " I didn't think that the shockwave reached you guys." Said  Godzilla as she gave kong a hug while Jr and  Tera fist-pumped. " Kinda hard not to feel it when it shakes the whole place up and has all the aiju hiding in their dens.  What exactly was that anyway?" Said Kong. " That was  Ghidorah's daughter,  meeting her match against my second oldest daughter Zena. ( Points to Zena ). Those two were going at it full power and all. In the end, Zena won by a landslide as the humans say." Said Godzilla as Kona walks over to  Zena. " ( Throws a blue lighting covered fist at  Zena only for her to catch it with a yellow-lighting covered fist and then smiles). I think you and me are going to get along just fine. ( Looks at her home). Let's stay here for a while mom. Something tells me that things are about to get interesting." Said Kona. 

" I don't see a problem with that. I''ve been wanting to take a crack at  Ghidroah for a while now." Said Kong as Mecha Godzilla otherwise known as  Mecha Godzilla otherwise known as  Kiryu as to not get her confused with her soon-to-be counterpart Mecha Godzilla two, landed next to them. " You all need to be careful. the newer model of myself is nearing completion and will be completed in three days." Said  Kriyu as a live video with the images of  Serizawa, June, and  Arcee appeared on the screen. " Good,  the message got through. Listen up all of you. The government has sped up the production of their newer mecha Godzillas. ( Looks at  Zena). After your throw-down with Hera. The government has pushed for the two projects two be done in two days. ( Looks at  Kiryu). We will be moving to a new, more secluded location Kiryu. The higher up will be looking for you in order to have you lead these two new versions. ( Looks at  Godzilla and her group while sending the coordinates to the new base to  Kiryu). Good luck to you all." Said  June as the transition ended. 

" ( Looks at  Godzilla and  Kongs group). Stay safe you guys. ( Looks over at  Zena while walking over to her).  be careful out there hunny. ( Hugs  Zena). I still want to get to know my second granddaughter." Said Kiryu. " I will grandma,  don't you worry. (Breaks the hug as  Kiryu flies off toward her new base). We'll see each other again." Said  Zena with a smile. 

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