Kaiju Rage

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( As Tonya and  Space Godzilla quickly flew to earth with  Tonya carrying  Arcee, Miko, and Raf in both her hands. Optimus and the rest of the autobots arrived back at base where Bulkhead immediately slammed  Ratchet against the nearby wall)

" YOU DIDN'T GROUNDBRIDGE THE KIDS TO BASER TO KEEP THEM SAFE. ALL BECAUSE YOUR WORK WAS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU THAN THEIR LIVES.  HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND RATCHET?" Yelled  Bulkhead as he threw  Ratchet to the floor. " What in primus's name has gotten into you?" Asked  Ratchet as he looked at  Bulkhead before getting picked up and thrown across the room by Bumblebee. "what's gotten into us? Ratchet the decepticons used the children against us to try and get the omega keys because you couldn't do what everyone else had been doing. You couldn't do the one thing that is the most simplest of jobs.  So because of you, the decepticons were a blade tip from winning the war and cyber-forming the earth. Had it not been for Tonya." Said  Smokescreen as they all turned to see  June pull up inside the base with a frown on her face.

" ( Quickly gets out of her car and glares at  Ratchet before quickly walking toward him). WHAT IN THE HECK DO YOU DO RATCHET? wHY DO I GET A CALL FROM SPACE GODZILLA TELLING ME THAT  TONYA IS MAKING  A B-LINE FOR THE BASE? WHAT DID YOU DO?" Yelled June as she glared at Ratchet. " ( Looks at June with confusion). I had more pressing matters to attend to, than taking care of some kids.  Now, what is she talking about? ( Watches  Bumblebee attach a cord to the back of his head and as a live recording of what took place on Cybertron plays on the main screen and plays all the way until   Tonya and  Space Godzilla fly off). By Primus,  what in the world was a kaiju doing in  Cybertron  airspace?" Asked  Ratchet. "Probably came there because she sensed Lina's energy. ( Glares at  Ratchet). Energy that would have stayed dormant so that I could ease her into it, until your horrible choice of  action." Said June.

" Parden me for asking June. But how is it that you know so much about these Kaiju?" Asked  Optimus. " Ya,  that's a good question. Whenever Miko and I are watching anything about the kaiju on the news. You always immediately join in as if you just need to know what they're doing." Said  Bulkhead. " That's because I used to work for the company that studies the kaiju. With the help of a fellow scientist. I was able to make friends with all the kaiju within the Godzilla lineage. Which included Godzilla herself, her daughter Jr., Zilla,  and Space Godzilla. The one that wrecked the Decepticon ship was Space Godzilla. ( Looks at  Optimus). Open a groundbridge to  New York. If we do it now,  we'll be able to prevent her from destroying her home. ( Looks at  Ratchet as Bumblebee disconnects the cord from the back of his head while  Smokescreen activates the space bridge).  You're going to walk through the portal first. I want to make sure that you don't try to do something stupid like you did with the kids. " Said  June as  Bulkhead and Smokescreen shove Ratchet through the portal while Optimus, Bumblebee, and  June walk behind them.

( Twelve minutes later, once in New York City. The autobots wait for the arrival of Tonya and  Space Godzilla and their three captives. While waiting,  the autobots hear the sound of water moving and look to their left to see  Godzilla,  Jr, and Zilla come out of the water. While Mecha Godzilla lands on the ground thanks to the boosters on her feet. The autobots then watch as  June runs over to the kaiju while  Godzilla sets her left hand down as a human climbs off of her hand)

" I got your message,  are you sure what Space Godzilla said was true?" Asked  Serizawa. " Watched her change into her space form from a live video feed. We'll have to salvage from this. Said June. " ( Points up to the sky). Well then let's salvage from this. here they come now. " Said  Godzilla as she roars to the sky as a way to tell  Space Godzilla that everyone was there. " ( Takes a closer look at  Tonya and notices something). It appears that she is about to change into her ground Zilla form. ( Looks at Godzilla and  Mecha Godzilla). You may need to wrestle with her in order to help her calm down." Said  June as  Tonya and Spacegodzilla landed on the ground with  Tonya in her ground form.

( Tonya/ Liana Godzilla ground form)

" ( Crashed onto the ground and then walked over toward a building before opening her mouth and spitting out Arcee and the two containers with Miko and Raf inside) and then spits them out onto the roof of the building)

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" ( Crashed onto the ground and then walked over toward a building before opening her mouth and spitting out Arcee and the two containers with Miko and Raf inside) and then spits them out onto the roof of the building). I told you what would happen if you kept talking,  even though  Miko enjoyed it for Some reason." Said Tanya. " Are you kidding, except for the pitch darkness. Who else can say that they rode in the mouth of a kaiju?" Asked Miko as Arcee let her and  Raf out of the containers. " I'm just glad that you didn't swallow us while you were flying. I'm not sure that being eaten by a kaiju is the way I wanna go out just yet. Though I will admit that it was an interesting experience. ( walks toward the edge of the building and spots the rest of team prime and  June on the ground be for looking at Tonya). Please don't kill Ratchet,  we still need him since he's the only medic we have." Said  Arcee as  Space Godzilla picked up her, Miko, and Raf before setting them all on the ground next to June and Serizawa. " Your up  Ratchet and Id pray that she doesn't destroy you if I were you." Said  June as  Ratchet walked toward  Tonya as  Spacegodzilla stood next to Godzilla.

" ( Kneels in front of Ratchet while growling ). You had better things to do than bother with us hu. ( Grabbs two handfuls of two semi-trucks). Here's what I think about you blowing us off like that you wannabE STARSCREAM." Said  Tonya as she smashes  Ratchet into the ground six times using the four semi-trucks and then stops and stands back up."  She sure let him have it. ( Looks at the autobots). One of you should go check on your medic. I don't think she killed him but he may need help. ( Wtches as  Optimus and  Bulkhead retrieve a damaged and battered but alive Ratchet from the rubble). Next time you'll learn to take stuff like keeping appreciate the things that people do to help you now, won't you? ( Looks at tonya and see's that there is still some rage residue left within her). Get ready gang,  we got a daughter and a younger sister to calm down." Said Space Godzilla as she, Godzilla, Zilla, and  MEch Godzilla ran at Tonya as she began to destroy the nearby buildings.

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