1 (2017)

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"Ok, but I just don't get why!"

"It's what happens when you turn into an A-lister. It's all smoke and mirrors out here, man. Nothing is real, it's all one big illusion and everyone wants a piece of the pie. They will sell you down the river without a care in the world. Exhibit A," his manager says throwing a magazine on his lap. He picks it up and bites back his tears. He had loved her so much, he had been just about to ask her to marry him but she had packed up one day and sold her story of what it was like to date him along with a slew of pictures to every media outlet that was interested. She got a bucket load of cash and let the world know about every private intimate detail of their lives, of his life.

"Yeah, ok, this is fucked up but what is a prostitute going to fix?"

"Austin," his lawyer sighs and sits down next to him in the hotel bed. "All A-listers do it. You get your needs met and you have the safety of knowing this shit never happens again," he says pointing to the magazine. "So I can't date again?" he asks turning the magazine over, he can't look at his ex's face anymore. "You can but this is just so you don't get yourself into trouble between women," his manager says. "You make me sound like a horny teenager. I can fucking control my hormones till I meet the right girl," he groans. "Sure you can but this just allows you to fuck a woman who you know won't run to the media the second she gets a chance," his lawyer says. "She is a prostitute, would that not be her aim?" Austin asks confused.

"Not this type of prostitute. This type is high-end. Her clients are only made up of A-listers, she gets paid handsomely for her time and she signs ironclad NDAs to ensure no one ever knows about you or what you guys get up to. Not even us and the beauty of it is that you can get her to do anything you like."



"But what if I don't like her? What if she doesn't do it for me?"

"Oh, you will like her. She comes highly recommended and we had a hard time getting you on her list. Think of her as an A-lister of prostitutes."

"What does she look like?"

"No idea. That's how guarded she is, we don't even know her name. It's just X on all her forms."

"This is fucking crazy! I am not doing this!" Austin shouts throwing the magazine across the room and stalking off to the bathroom. When he wanted fame no one told him it came with so much red tape. Red tape that got tighter and tighter the more popular he got. He wakes up when he is told to, and goes to bed when he is told to. He eats specific food on someone's instructions, wears clothing given to him, and has to ask for permission from a group of people before he takes a picture or smiles at someone, or does everything. He has no say over anything, not even the way his hair is cut. He is never alone and is watched every second of every day. Now he is even going to be told who he sleeps with. He did not sign up for this and it's fucking bullshit.

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