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A month

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A month.

She has been here for a month and Austin is still trying to wrap his head around it. Is this how they end up? He has been trying to get her to give it all up for years, he felt like he was going crazy and that she was going to disappear any second, and then one day he looks out over that field like he does every morning and she is just standing there - ready.

It's been amazing, these four weeks. She has opened herself up to him even though she is holding back somewhat, she is scared of something and for the life of him he can't figure out what it is, but he knows over time she will get better at letting him in - he will wait and go at her pace. He will wait a lifetime for her.

He curls a lock of hair around her ear and watches her while she sleeps. He has her now and he will never let her go. He loves her with everything he has, he has felt this way for years. She sighs in her sleep and groans a little when he pushes her on her back and settles over her. "Will you ever just let me sleep in peace?" she mumbles. "You have the rest of your life to do that, Whitney, for now, I want to fuss over you," he says looking down at her. She smiles, her eyes still closed. "You going to repeat my name every chance you get?" she asks with a laugh. "You bet your ass I am, Whitney...Whitney," he mumbles dipping his head and latching onto her throat.

"You are crazy, you know that?" she laughs out again. "Crazy about you," he mumbles and then he feels her hands on his face as she pulls his head up to look at her, her eyes still closed and a small frown forming. "Slow down, baby," she says softly, concern creeping into her voice again.

"I have given you five years of slow, baby, no more...tell me something about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything. Tell me anything."

"I grew up in Brighton Beach. It's a small coastal town just outside London. It was just me and my grandfather...no siblings. I never met my father and my mother was only sixteen when she had me so she gave me to my grandfather and then fucked off. I am not mad at her, indifferent really. I loved my life with my grandfather."

"Would you choose the same life over again if you had a choice?"

Whitney's eyes open and she looks up at him. There is sadness behind them, she is hiding something from him. He can see it. She runs her fingers through his hair and smiles at him. "Some parts I would choose again...some not," she says softly. "Which parts would you choose?" he asks. "You...all the parts with you in. My grandfather, I would choose him. Most of my life I would choose again...but you the most."

"What would you not choose?  If you had a choice...what would you change?"

"I would change the things I have no power over...like you falling in love with me."

Austin frowns, that's the most confusing answer he has ever heard. It makes no sense. "You can't change that," he says. "Then there is nothing to change," Whitney says.

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