18 (2021)

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"Ta-da!" Austin says appearing from the bathroom in a brightly colored suit with way too many flashy rhinestones and a huge big  Stedston on his head. "What do you think?" he asks proudly and spins around to show his over-the-top outfit off. "What on earth are you wearing?" Trixie says sitting up and covering herself with the bed sheet. "Dre said I can be anything I want. I can wear anything I like and he will just work around it - pull out the best parts to make the media and fans love what I love...and I love this," he says falling on the bed and then putting his Stetson on her head, smiling up at her. "You are a rapper with a gold grill, splattered in hardcore tattoos and now in an over-the-top rhinestone cowboy suit...you are an oxymoron," Trixie says leaning down to peck his lips. "I am a rapper from Texas, this makes sense to me," Austin defends himself.

"If it were anyone else I would tell them to seriously reconsider their life choices. But...I don't know how or why but you can pull it off - it makes sense when you do it. I like it," Trixie says then laughs when Austin climbs on top of her and sits on her in a straddle. "And! I am going to do some covers of county songs. I have always wanted to but was shut down. When I brought it up to Dre he said that if that's what  I want he would make it happen then called yesterday to say he got me invited to play on some big country online charity thing! I am going to cover my two favorite country songs. Also! Wine! I am bringing out my own brand of wine!" Austin declares throwing his arms in the air as he smiles brightly above her. Trixie can't help the smile that grows on her lips. He looks so happy.

"You like working with Dre?"

"He is the best. There is not a nasty bone in that man's body."

"I am glad to see that it worked out...you know he does not know about this...about what I do and I would appreciate that you keep it that way."

Austin sighs and tilts his head as he looks down at her. "You know this could change...my parents adored you. They ask about you all the time. We could do family weekends, bring Dre along as part of the family and I could rub you in my brother's smug little face - it's a good life, baby," Austin says with a grin. Trixie rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "It could not be different - you are my client. There is no place for family weekends. It's not a service that I offer," she warns him. She is undecided as to what she wants to do so she shouldn't give him any indication of her indecisive mind. Austin will take any chance he gets to grab hold of her and pull her into his life for good - he has made that very clear over the years. She has let go of most of her clients now - she only has the three left, Harry, Austin, and Marshal.

Marshal is a source of comfort, she has been his prostitute for the past ten years. He has always been good to her and she is finding it hard to just let him go, she had not realized the emotional bond she had developed with him until she had considered letting him go. Keeping him around prevents her from falling into a real life with Austin - Marshal is the only normal part of her life right now, oddly enough. Harry is a mess of a man right now and she does not have the heart to cast him aside, poor guy, so she has kept him on - he cries on her shoulder and spends hours just talking his emotions through more than anything else these days. Harry in bed used to be physically draining but now it's emotionally draining. But she considers him a friend, so she keeps him, he does not feel like a client anymore.

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