Chapter 3: Making Friends

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( BIG THANKS TO @ussamerica2018! If you see his stories, you would enjoy it. )

The Scene opens up with Team RWBY and JNPR, alongside Daniel at the cafeteria.

Pyrrha: Jaune, are you okay?

Jaune: Huh? Oh yeah, what?

Ruby: It's just that you don't seem too good, look at Daniel, he's all fine but you showed him your performance.

Jaune: Seriously I'm fine, look! Do you agree with me D?

Daniel: Nah, I ain't taking the bait man.

Daniel looks behind and sees Team CRDL mocking at Velvet for being a Faunus, he has a flashback when he was talking to Weiss after she heard his Story during his frontline combat in Syria, as he was in the library.

Weiss: Hey Daniel, I wanna talk to you about something.

Daniel: Sure, what's up? Ah!

He gets pulled into a corner with Weiss.

Weiss: On what I wanted to talk to you about, was my father and the Schnee Dust Company.

Daniel: Fire away.

Weiss: Well, in the SDC, my Grandfather was the former CEO, as he was using his semblance, which was also mine, and I do despise the White Fang, you know those Faunus that everyone feared due to how they treated people and killed them?

Daniel: Those low-lives? I knew about them, I was attacked by two of them while on a mission deep in WF territory, I killed them both anyway. But about the SDC, tell me more.

Weiss: Well, our company was operating in a moral... grey area. My father wasn't the start of our name, and I won't let him be the end of it. The company had very hard Faunus labor, as they wouldn't be treated well if they complained.

Daniel goes into silent anger as he clenches his fists, and he snaps back to reality.

Cardin: Hey! None of your business here!

Daniel: Jaune, Winchester's been picking on you since the first day of school as how I heard from Nikos.

Jaune: Name one time he's picked on me!

Pyrrha: If you would have been in trouble, if Daniel was near you, he'd be pointing his weapon at them. He'd beat them down.

Nora: Ooh! We'll break his legs!

Daniel later hears Velvet getting her ears pulled. He gets real mad, like he was just as angry like a T-Rex that got her baby stolen or Godzilla who is rampaging through Tokyo.

Velvet: Ooow that hurts! Please stop.

Cardin: I told you it was real!

Daniel: Let her go Winchester.

Cardin: Hah! Hey boys, do you think this so-called Marine could make me do that?

Sky, Dove, and Russel: Hahaha!

Weiss POV

I saw Cardin stand up as Daniel is the same height as Cardin, then he punches Daniel in the face. I would not afford to see him get beaten up like that.

Just as Weiss thought Cardin would instantly knock him out, his fist is caught by Daniel, as he gives him a powerful right hook, sending him into a table. Then Dove intervenes, as he punches him in the gut but Daniel doesn't give a f**k, as he gets kicked in the face, then  Sky gets a left hook to his face as he was running to get him, and he falls, with Russel punching him in the body and he falls as he grabbed his helmet and bashed him with it and he throws it into Cardin's face as he got up, then he does a left uppercut on Dove, and he falls onto the table, then he punches Sky in the jaw, and bashes Russel with his helmet again, until Cardin tries to strike at him, he spins to the left, then the the right. Then Ruby, Yang, and Weiss raise some signs.

Ruby's sign said, "FINISH HIM!". While Weiss's said, "DO IT TO HIM DANIEL!" Then Yang's just simply says that he should do a right uppercut.


???: ENOUGH!!! What is the meaning of this!?

Cardin: He attacked me and my boys!

Pyrrha: WRONG! Cardin was bullying Velvet!

Glynda: Is this true Sergeant?

Daniel: Yes Ma'am.

Glynda: Cardin, what do you have to say for what you did?

Cardin: I... uh..

Daniel: At Oh-four-thirty hours, we will be having another fight, get that private Winchester? Now get your ass out of my sight.

He goes to Velvet.

Velvet: Thank you for standing up to them uh...

Daniel: Daniel Erikson.

Velvet: Thanks Daniel.

Daniel: I hate bullies like them, and you're?

Velvet: Velvet Scarlatina. Guess I'll see you in the battle.

04:30 Hours...

It shows Daniel in the podium and he is already against Team CRDL, as he loads the rounds, which were designed to destroy an Aura and not killing a person. As it shows them in the fight, It begins as Daniel opens fire with his M4A1, he dodges an attack from Cardin's Mace, then he turns his M4A1 into an M249 SAW, and riddles them with multiple bursts, then he rolls away and he turns the saw into a shield as he uses his M9 and hits Dove, then he turns it into an MP5, until it ran out and he threw it in to Cardin's face. Which made Team RWBY and CFVY laugh at him, as he got hit in the face with a gun, like he threw a snowball made out of metal and polymer. Then he hits Sky with his M9, and after beating Russel down, their Auras are depleted, as for Daniel's, his aura was not all red as his was stuck on orange.

Glynda: The winner is 1st Force Reconnaissance Company Master Sergeant, Daniel Erikson. As for his Hand-To-Hand combat experience, was extremely good, as he was perfect for being a brawler, and an Infantryman due to his Ranged Weaponry. 

Cardin: Lucky shot... *head falls on the floor*

Daniel: Haha, guess I am a born warrior. C'mon Weiss Cream, let's go.

Weiss blushes as when her friends call her nicknames, she basically gets angry, but from a Marine like Daniel, she blushed redder than Ruby's cape. Cut to Daniel taking off his clothes and ready to take a bath, Weiss opened the door without knocking by accident and she saw his scars again on his body.

Weiss: Can we talk about those scars?

Daniel: Sure....

Weiss locks the door and she tells her to turn around to show her his scars right on his back.

Weiss: These scars, the ones on your back, the small ones. Were those from like bombs?

Daniel: Yeah, shrapnel wounds. But for corrections, it's from these Grenades. And do you see this wound? Right on my abdomen, that's a stab wound from an ISIS soldier charging at me with a bayonet on his AK Rifle. I could not shoot as the stupid thing jammed on me, and I had no time to pull the trigger on my M9, as I was too slow. Oh, and that's a mosquito bite on my upper area of the back, and I do have a scar right on my cheek as a bullet grazed me.

Weiss: I do have one from fighting a Gigas, which was part of my father's tests, and his name is Jacques Schnee.

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