Chapter 7: Train Breach

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The scene opens up with the intro starting up, and it shows Team RWBY fighting some Grimm, until the trio of Marines arrived on Helicopter as the place changes to Mistral, as they are seen breaching a room and two Russian Soldiers are seen already gunned down, then it shows one of the Russians with a Kord-6P67, he shoots at Daniel, who has his M4A1 SOPMOD 1, and the area was an abandoned mall, and he kills the Russian, then it shows Joey with his Mossberg 590A1, and he kills a Chinese PLA soldier, then he uses the other one as a meat shield and he fires the enemy's QBZ-191, and kills two more and he drops the dead guy, with the scene changing to Hanna in a Black Hawk, as she is sitting with other Marines, until RPG and small arms fire tries to down it, until an RPG Rocket hits the Black Hawk, as the other marines slid down right out, until one of them was caught by Hanna and they both jump off, with her killing two Chinese Soldiers as well, then it shows all of them inside of an AAV-P7/A1 Amtrac, as they later hit the beaches and some Marines are gunned down, and Team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY are shown fighting on the frontlines with them. Then it shows the the Title.

It shows them in the Train, they check the cars, and there are bombs.

Oobleck: Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all!

Blake: It detached by itself!

Daniel: Torch doesn't want us on this train!

Joey: CONTACT! *Fires M240B*

Hanna: Yeah no s**t!

They all engage the White Fang, as Joey grabs his M590 and shoots one off the train, and they jump from car to car, and some Humvees are seen shooting at the top of the train, and they continue and get to the locomotive.

Daniel: Alright! Listen Up! Rose, stay with the Doc and keep them off, Xiao-Long, Schnee, Belladonna!

Yang, Weiss, and Blake: SIR!

Daniel: Me, Hanna, and Vance will be inside the train with the three of you to destroy this train and stop it, from leading the Grimm into the city. CAN I GET AN OO-RAH!?

Everyone: (Except Daniel) OO-RAH!

Daniel opens the hatch as Joey leaves the M240B with them, since there is a lot of Fangies.

Daniel and the rest are seen entering the Main Car.

Daniel: Eyes peeled, make sure you don't get hit.

Weiss: This should help you Blake, and Daniel, I made special Dust Ammunition there, only for emergencies that is, put them in your chest rig.

Daniel: Thanks. *does thumbs up sign*

They run into a girl whose hair resembled a flavor of Ice Cream, and she has a Parasol in her hand. It was Roman's henchman, Neo.

Joey points his Shotgun at her but the barrel is put down by Yang

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Joey points his Shotgun at her but the barrel is put down by Yang.

Yang: Joseph, go with the others, I can handle this.

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