Chapter 6: Operation: Train-Buster

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The Scene opens up with Joey sitting near the exit of the Bullhead, as he's like riding a UH-1Y Super-Huey. He has an M240B on him, as he replaced his M4A1 with the M240B, he sees several Grimm and clears the LZ, as he fires the M240, then the bullhead lands as they get out like they were ST-6, and the two Brothers-In-Arms are seen shooting the M4A1 and an 590A1, which replaced Joseph's M1014, on some Grimm, and Daniel uses the M203 and blows them all up, and during the night, the two Marines are leading the way until other two soldiers with Desert-Pattern Uniforms are seen, but they are using M16A4s.

Daniel: Marines?

Female Marine: Who says?

Daniel: Master Sergeant Daniel Erikson, 1st Force Recon.

Joey: Sergeant Joey Vance, 1st Force Recon.

Pvt. Santos: Private Bryan Santos, USAF.

Ssg. Erikson: Lieutenant Hanna Erikson, 5th Marines. It's good to see you big bro.

Daniel: Is anyone else with you Hanna? Aside from Private Santos, well no offense.

Hanna: There's a platoon of Deltas, alongside a couple of Marines, some Tanks from the US Army, and two Rangers.

Daniel: Take us there Hanna.

They follow her and they find the area of where the troops were, there were tents, a pile of ammunition, with 5.56 and 7.62 NATO Rounds, as the ammo boxes signified that there were M240 Bravo MMGs, as they find the USMC Commander, as he is ranked as a Major, while the other was a Tank Platoon Leader, who is a Captain, and the Delta Team Leader was a Sergeant First Class.

Marine Major: Captain Nelson, your forces will be in front, leading the way, while my Marines and SFC. Shaw's Deltas will be providing rear and front security. And- 

Hanna: Major Riggs! I found two Force Recon Marines, alongside four students and a Professor- I mean doctor, not the ones for medical, but the education type of doctor. 

Major: Ah, so you must be Hanna's brother. Daniel Erikson, right?

Daniel: Yes sir.

Maj. Riggs: Major Vincent Riggs, and I heard you were already a Master Sergeant.

Daniel: Well, me and the rest don't have anywhere to go to but just clear some those Skull-Looking creatures called Grimm, and we'll have to be sleeping.

Riggs: We've got tents, and you can all sleep in there, since it's already dark out.

They are all seen having MREs as they need to eat, until Ruby's bag is seen moving.

Daniel: Uh, Rubes, your Bag's moving.

Ruby's bag opens, revealing a Corgi, and he has white and grey fur.

Daniel: Is that... your dog?

Ruby: Oh! This is Zwei, my pet Corgi, cute right?

 Daniel pets the corgi on the head, and he continues eating his MRE, and he even lets Zwei take a bite, as Hanna, liked Dogs a lot, as Corgis were one of her favorite breeds since childhood. And when they are all sleeping, Zwei goes somewhere, resulting Daniel to grab his M4, he attaches a silencer, and he also puts it on his M9 as well, he grabs a Barrett M82A3, and he finds her near a wrecked building, and in front of a Destroyed M1A3 Abrams, which was currently adopted in 2020, which is the current year back on earth. He sees two WF Soldiers, and he takes cover and hides and follows Ruby, and he does have SBNVS Goggles on him, and he puts them down as he checks the area, and is scanning it with his M4A1, which was a SOPMOD 1. Which he earned after becoming a Force Recon Marine. Then they run, but find the ground cracking.

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