Chapter 15: Who Killed Capt. Athena Riley?

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The scene opens up with Daniel headed to Captain Athena Riley's office and he sees another Marine coming out and his face would've meant that there was trouble. Then he went inside and oddly enough. Athena was on the floor, and she was dead.

Daniel: Ah fu-

It later shows him at the office of the Commander of the base in Atlas, and currently, he reported that Captain Riley was dead. Then he went to the camera footage in her office and then it shows a Marine coming to her office.

Athena: Come in.

The Marine went behind her and pointed his M9 at her head.

Marine: Arm my jet, there's a nuke on it.

Daniel: F**k.

Athena went on ahead and set up the ammunition required on his aircraft, until she refused to arm it.

Marine: Fine.

Athena: *quietly* Thank god.

Until Athena got strangled by a garrote wire and it let go later on, she was choking on the camera until her eyes were shut and her head was placed on the Marine's leg and her neck was snapped, and she was left on the ground and left, as the Camera stopped later on. He reviewed the footage and saw the face of the Marine and he was an Aviator named John Miller.

Late at night...

He approached Miller and challenged him to a gunfight. Wild West Style. The two didn't face each other until Miller drew the gun first, but was too slow to pull the trigger as a 9x19mm round shot Miller in the head. 

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