piece two

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Not everyone walks through life

with a care in the world.

Hardly anyone

survives the smallest occurrences

or dies

for a reason.

Not many get what they deserve,

either being punished

or rewarded

for the wrong cause.

Our galaxy is frightening

when we know

that we are as old as the universe

since matter can never be

created nor destroyed.

We are the center point

of this planet,

spinning on our axis,

as we take in

the burning rays of pressure.

Nobody has ever been

in the same physical location

more than once

since Earth,

the Solar System,

and the galaxy

are always moving.

Yet nobody is taking risks

when the truth is that we'll never be

in this exact moment ever again.

One minute,

you can love a novel,

and once the author kills

your favorite character,

you can instantly stop

flipping the pages.


I've realized that when you get hurt

by someone you love,

you can't help but still love them.

When you wake up

and catch your eyes on the morning sunrise,

someone else

is watching that very one too.

We are all in this world together,

standing on the same ground,

breathing in the same air,

experiencing similar events.

Yet we still end up

feeling alone.

It only takes 2.5 seconds

to text back "hi,"

yet so many choose

to keep people on Read.

I've discovered that you have to stop

waiting for those people

and start diving into new relationships

because nobody

should take an advantage

of your kindness.

The best feeling in the world,


is when you realize that

out of the millions of people

living on this planet,

you ended up

meeting that person.

Life is a ripple affect,

and the smoothest pebbles

always seem to be skipped across our ponds in the end.

As unjust and terrifying,

as tedious and heartbreaking,

as captivating and coincidental,

as much as life

is one long,

emotional rollercoaster,

the truth is,





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