piece ten

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To the girl twenty-four hours ago,

heartbroken by the boy she thought she loved,

it'll be okay.

Maybe he won't ever get to hold your hand

or kiss you in the rain

under a sky full of stars.

Maybe he won't bring you roses on your birthday

or tell you that you're

the only one meant for him.

But maybe he'll still hug you

so hard that

you won't feel alone.

But maybe he'll still let you

rest your head on his shoulder,

being the support that you don't know you need.

It won't be awkward.

Maybe you want to cry your eyes out,

hoping that no one will walk into the washroom

and see the running mascara on your face.

Maybe you want to lay in bed all day,

hoping that what he admitted

was all some twisted dream.

But maybe he'll still text you late at night,

bringing a smile to your face

when you thought no one could.

But maybe he'll still help you through the tough times,

showing you that there is an entire world out there

just waiting for you to explore.

It'll be a new beginning.

Because not all relationships

have to fall and crumble

like an avalanche.

Because not all relationships

are broken mirrors, only reflecting

the bad luck that you think you've been cursed with.

Because some relationships

can flourish into new friendships,

shining light onto a cloudy day.

Because some relationships

can make you realize that

everything happens for a reason.

To the girl twenty-four hours ago,

crying into her pillow and questioning what comes next,

you'll be okay.


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