piece twenty-nine

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It feels like a dream

that you've fallen from my shelf

and opened to a story with an unexpected ending.

Your smile paints a warm glow

in the baby-blue sky,

bringing hope for a new and exciting chapter.

It feels like a dream

whenever we talk,

a dialogue that awakens butterflies in my stomach.

Your words dance through my mind

like a song I never want to stop humming,

a melody that enchants me.

It feels like a dream

that you can be next to me,

looking into my eyes as I do with yours.

Our hearts seem to beat the same symphony,

reminding me that there's a chance

and giving air to my lungs when I thought I couldn't breathe.

It feels like a dream

when you tell me I'm worth it

and pick me up when I've fallen.

You tell me I'm important

and make me feel like the main character

in a world filled with loud voices.

It feels like a dream

and I'm scared to be stirred awake

by my old friend, reality.

But if the day comes when that reverie clings to my eyelids,

I hope the images are an enchanting fairytale

that I can forever hold close to my heart.


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