piece six

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We used to laugh under the scorching summer rays,

while devouring bowls of chocolate ice cream

and counting the mosquito bites that covered our skin after that day.

We used to hide under wool blankets,

while eating bowls of buttered popcorn

since we were too afraid to watch the horror movies we played.

Until everything suddenly stopped.

For the longest time,

I had just assumed that you had run away

to that abandoned house we used to hide in for hours.

That was until I was waiting around for a reply,

waiting around for you to call me,

waiting around for nothing.

Because you are never coming back.

I'm now wishing that my last words to you

hadn't been brutal and harsh,

but kind and true.

I'm now wishing that I could see you

for one more minute

so that I could apologize for every mistake

that will cling to me forever

like an unwanted sticky note.

Because you are never coming back.

I'm now talking to your ghost,

trying to make up for the errors I made

that will haunt me more than your spirit ever could.

I'm now replaying memories,

trying to convince myself of a better ending

so that I don't have to cry

about what could have been.

Because you are never coming back.

I just have to accept that.


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