piece ten point five

25 5 14

To the girl three years ago,

scared of never being loved back the same way,

it'll be okay.

Because sure, he never did hug you,

only making you feel alone

and unworthy of being cared for.

Because sure, he never did let you

rest your head on his shoulder,

dragging you down instead of pulling you up.

But someday, you will meet a boy

who will hold your hand and kiss you in the rain,

no matter the place and time.

But someday, you will meet a boy

who will gift you lilies instead of roses

and remember your birthday because you're the only one meant for him.

It'll work out.

Because sure, he never did text you late at night,

constantly leaving you on Read

and ignoring you in the halls.

Because sure, he never helped you through the tough times,

only showing you a world of pain and isolation

that he created for you.

But someday, you'll realize that crying your eyes out,

hoping that nobody will walk into the washroom,

was never worth it in the first place.

But someday, you'll realize that laying in bed all day,

hoping that what he admitted was all some twisted dream,

was the best thing he could have done for you.

It'll make you stronger.

Because sure, that relationship

never got to flourish,

just shining light onto a monster hidden in plain sight.

Because sure, that relationship

did make you realize

that everything happens for a reason.

But someday, you will meet a boy

who will build you up

and save you from the avalanche.

But someday, you will meet a boy

who will force you to look into the mirror

and remind you that you were never cursed with bad luck.

To the girl three years ago,

crying into her pillow over a boy who was never even worth her time,

you'll be okay.


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