piece thirty

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You let me fall into your arms,

and you catch me like a shooting star.

You ground me when I start to float,

you are my anchor when I'm a drifting boat.

You make me smile when I can't help but frown,

I don't know who I am when you aren't around.

Because you are the pieces of me,

the reason why I keep trying to believe.

You glue me together when I've shattered,

building me up until I'm as strong as a tower.

I could never express in words how important you are,

you're the person who has helped me get this far.

For that,

I thank you

for picking me up,

for making me smile,

for making me cry,

for making me feel things that I haven't in a while.

Thank you for a journey

that has created a bunch of memories

and has bound pages together

for an unforgettable story.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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