piece three

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Change comes

knocking on my door,

this late autumn evening.

Spoiling the excitement

that I've been feeling,

she shakes the house with her arrival.

At first, I ignore the knocks,

but when they don't stop,

I decide to tug on the brass doorknob.

I've been expecting

that she'd soon come,

if not today, then tomorrow.

Because she

is inevitable,

never giving me a break.

I hope to get away,

but she follows like a childhood friend

who always comes out to play.

Change throws the truth in my face,

says things will never

stay this way.

She says they will leave me,

says I will end up alone,

as always.

I try to run, I want to leave,

but Change chases me,

Up the stairs, down the hall.

I dodge into the bedroom,

slam the door shut,

and press my body against it to keep it closed.

Change is soon too strong,

and I'm thrown up

against the wall,

Shaking in fear.

I move toward the exit-

I need to escape the truth.

I push open a window,

and stand on the ledge,

the sounds of cars honking,

the laughter of children filling the air–

My heart breaks in my ribcage.

This isn't how it should end.


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