𝟺. 𝙷𝚞𝚍𝚜𝚘𝚗

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Next Day:-

Jordan's POV:-

I am about to pick Hudson up from the airport.
Salish doesn't know anything about this.

"Hudson! Over here!" I yelled to get his attention.

Hudson's POV:-

"Hudson ! Over here!" I heard my dad yell.

I turned back to see my dad waving at me.
I quickly ran to him and we hugged.

"Dad! I missed you." I said.
"I missed you too my son." He said.
"Ready to go home?" My dad asks
"Yeah!" I said with excitement.

When we got home, I spent some quality time with my parents and then my dad went to pick Salish up from her sleepover.

I miss my little sister. Lets see how she reacts when she sees me.

Jordan's POV:

*rings the bell*

Salish came out with her stuff and said goodbye to her friends.
"Had fun?" I asked.
"Yup." She said.

When we reached home , Salish put the passcode in and we entered.

Salish's POV:-

When I entered, I saw Hudson.

"Hudson! You are back!" I said with pure shock and excitement.
I dropped my bag and ran to him. He picked me up and spun me around.
"Salish, I missed you." Hudson said
"I missed you too Huds." I said

"When did you come?" I asked my brother.
"This morning, I wanted to surprise you."
He said.
"Well, this is a good surprise." I said
"Wanna go to Starbucks?" He asked
"Sure, lets go." I said.

I ordered a pink drink and Hudson ordered a hot chocolate.

Nidal's POV:-

I'm in Texas packing all my stuff. We are moving back to L.A.
"Hey Jiji, Are you done packing?" I asked my sister.
"Almost, why?" She answered.
"Actually, I wanna buy a present for Salish and I need your help." I said
"Oh, you need my help to buy something for your future girlfriend? Sure, I am in." Jiji said
"Stop Jiji, she isn't my girlfriend." I said trying not to blush.
"Yet." Jiji finished.

A few trucks came in and our furniture and stuff went in there. Juju, Neshan and mom are gonna drive their individual cars to L.A . Jehan (Jiji) and I are gonna go by a plane since we don't have cars of our own.

We went to bath and bodyworks first because Salish loves that store.

"I think we should get this shampoo. It smells nice."
Jiji said
"Ok." I said
"I know that Salish has been wanting a certain perfume for a long time." Jiji said
"Found it!" She exclaimed.
"Alright. Lets buy these." I said.

I paid for it then we went to the next store. Jehan suggested that we should go to Sephora.

" Salish is allowed to use makeup now so I'm gonna get her these two lipglosses, this lip tint and mascara." She showed me the items that she wanted me to buy for Salish.
"Okay, I have to admit, I didn't think you would have such a good taste." I said.
"That's rude." Jiji pretended to be hurt.
"Okay drama queen, lets go to the next store" I said to her.

We went to a jewelry store .
"Hey, lets customize two bracelets that have "N+S" engraved on them." Jiji suggested.
" You mean couple bracelets?" I asked .
"Yup." She said
"Not buts." Jiji cut me off.

We bought them.
"Also when we land in L.A, lets get her some flowers and thats it." Jiji said.
"Okay. Lets go home now." I said

I put all the things I bought for Salish in one of my luggages. My mom called us all in the living room.

" Are you all done packing?" My mom asks.
" Yes." We answered
"Good,  we are leaving the house at 6:00 am so you all should be ready by 5:00 am . Are you guys gonna get any sleep? Jiji and Nidal, you two must be ready by 4:30 because you have a flight at 6:00am."
Mom told us.

"Okay mom."  Jiji and I answered
"Mom , we are just gonna stay awake and create some last minute memories. Just appreciate this house."
Neshan answered looking down.

"Hey guys, look on the bright side, you all wanted to go back to L.A. Nidal , you can be near Salish now and you all have your own friends there. I promise it will be fine ." My mom said.
"We know , its just that we created a lot of memories here and we are gonna miss Texas." Juju said.
"Other than that, I'm excited to go back." I said.
" Me too." Jiji said.

We spent our last moments here and went all around the house.

I will miss Texas.

We recorded our last video in Texas . Of course we won't upload it now because Salish might see it.

It was 4:30 am before we even knew. Everyone changed into their outfits. We got all our things and took one last look at the house.

"Goodbye Texas. We will miss you." We all said and turned away from the house.

Okay , this is it. I am coming Say Say❤️.

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