1: The Lure of Adventure

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Chapter One, here we go!

 It was 01:00 but I was still sat at my computer in my study, its light beginning to burn my eyes. The only other light on in the room was the table lamp on the other side of the room. I had been scrolling through document after document, as well as all of the maps, chart and journals spread out across the room relating to the undiscovered find I was desperate to claim.

I was a treasure hunter of sorts, following in the footsteps of my mother. She died when I was a teenager whilst on a hunt, and as I was her only child and my dad never stuck around she left all of her possessions to me, including all the details of the undiscovered, legendary Library of Alexandria. I wanted to make her dream come true, but the damned library was proving difficult to find.

I wanted to ask two close friends of mine for help, but they had both gotten themselves out of the treasure hunting game a while ago. They were Nathan and Elena Drake. I knew Nathan from my early years as a treasure hunter and had been on many adventures with him, and I was inspired by Elena to become a freelance journalist, documenting all of my hunts including this damned library. I was desperate to ask for their help but I loved them too much to have them break their promise to each other.

Another close friend of mine was Victor Sullivan. He and my mother were close friends before she passed, and he was always there to look out for me. He was a good man and I loved him as though he was family. I remembered as a kid I wanted he and my mum to get married so he'd officially become my father, especially as I already saw him as such. Despite him being keen for me to find the library also, I didn't want to put him in any harm so I decided not to ask for his physical help.

I opened my phone and scrolled through my contact list, wondering if there was anyone else I could ask. "Charlie... maybe? Chloe, absolutely not... hm..." I muttered, then banging my head on my desk. "Maybe I just need sleep... I'll tackle this tomorrow," I sighed, turning my computer off. I trudged through my messy house to my bedroom, collapsing on my bed and drifting to sleep.

- The Next Day -

My phone began to buzz on my bedside table and I let out a low groan. According to my clock it was 06:30. "Who dares to call me this early in the morning," I groaned, picking up my phone however I was surprised to see it was Nate. "Nathan Drake," I answered the phone. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yeah, sorry," he laughed.

"Well, what's up?"

"This is something that'll be easier to explain in person... do you think you could come down to Jamesons?"

"Are you serious?" I whined and he laughed again.

"It'll... be worth it, I promise," he said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It better be. I'm on my way," I gave in and got dressed, not bothering with any makeup. The cool air woke me up a little as I headed to my car, then making my way to the marina. As I parked up I saw Nate lingering on the docks, an excitable smile on his face. "What's gotten you so giddy?" I asked. He didn't say anything, he simply stepped aside to reveal someone with their back to me. The man slowly turned around, and when he was facing me I thought I was going to feint. There in front of me stood Samuel Drake.

- Flashback -

"Why can't it just be the three of us?" Nate asked his brother, the three of us stood in their small, slightly run down flat looking down at the table which had Cassandra Morgan's journal on it.

"Because we need funding Nathan. Look I know it's not ideal but he's got the money and the means to help us find Avery's treasure," Sam said.

"I don't trust him," I said simply and Sam sighed.

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