13: New Devon

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 "Dress his wounds," Rafe demanded, throwing a large bag at me. We had been dragged to what looked like Shoreline's temporary base, as there were many Shoreline mercenaries and crates of equipment branded with their logo. There were a handful of jeeps and even a large armoured truck, similar to the one we encountered in Kings Bay. It was quite intimidating being around all these mercenaries, knowing they were probably some of the ones shooting at us less than an hour ago.

I opened the bag Rafe had thrown me to see medical supplies, and turned to Sam to see he still looked like a mess. Despite the mercenaries that were leading us like a dog having left us in peace, we were still being watched. Silently we sat, me not wanting to speak a single word to him out of pure anger and upset. He's betrayed Nate and I, he'd led us to believe we were saving his life by finding this treasure but all along it was just greed. Not only that but he had been out for two whole years before he even bothered finding us.

I wiped his arm, simply focusing on dressing his wounds. I could feel his eyes on me but I refused to look into them. Once all the blood that was running down his arm had been wiped I began wrapping the bandage around until he broke the silence. "How much do you hate me right now?" He asked.

"On a scale of one to ten?"


"Eleven," I said bitterly, tying the bandage tightly making him wince in pain.

"Right..." he said quietly, realising that any chance for there to be an 'us' had flown right out the metaphorical window. I moved onto his nose, there being a cut from where Rafe hit him in the face. Once taped I went to stand but he grabbed my wrist. "Hey... er... do you want me to dress your wound?" He asked, gesturing the bullet wound under his top I was still wearing.

"No. Don't touch me," I said bitterly, pulling away from him and he grimaced.

"I'm sorry (y/n)... I do love you-,"

"Oh spare me," I spat, feeling the want to hit him myself. "Two years Sam! Two years you had been out of prison and you didn't even bother to get in contact to say you were alive! You didn't even contact your own brother! And then you have the balls to lie, saying that if we don't help you find Avery's treasure that you'll be killed?! Nate's marriage is in ruin! I was almost shot! We were almost killed so many damn times and all because of your greed for this damn treasure! You don't give a damn about me, or Nathan. You're no better than Adler."

He took all of my words and put his head in his hands, clearly ashamed but I was past caring. "Trouble in Paradise?" Rafe's voice said, and I turned to see him watching us. I just scoffed and turned away from Sam, missing his longing look at me. "Let's get down to business. You, Samuel, are going to take us to the treasure."

"And if I don't?" Sam asked but I knew what the answer was. I didn't even flinch when Rafe raised his gun to my head, but I saw a look of horror on Sam's face.

"It's quite simple really," Rafe said. I was sick and tired of having guns pointed in my direction, especially now that I knew it was all for nothing.

"It's wasteful to kill a hostage," I muttered.

"Oh, really? I don't see it that way... after all if dear little Samuel doesn't do as he's told, your blood and death will be on his hands. It'll all be his fault... it all is his fault-,"

"Fine just- just let her go!" Sam shouted and Rafe smirked and pressed the gun right against my temple, the cold metal sending shivers down my back.

"Where are we going?" Rafe asked.

"The North side of the island. A place called New Devon, it's where Avery and the other founders lived. The treasure was taken there," Sam explained.

"Right. Let's pack up and head North," Rafe ordered.

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