16: A Man of Fortune

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 When we were back at the hotel, tiredness and the desperation to wash away the past few days hit, however when we were through the door Sam had me pinned to the wall, kissing me ferociously. "Mm- Sam, Sam slow down," I whispered, knowing he was the type who loved to get physical.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, his voice low and husky.

"I need a shower," I admitted and he chuckled, nodding and stepping away.

"Yeah, yeah good point," he said and I placed my hand on his chest, feeling his erratically beating heart before heading to the bathroom to cleanse.

The blood, sweat and dirt from our time in Libertalia and New Devon washed from my skin and hair as I stood under the shower, the heat and steam making me feel even more tired. I tackled my hair first, untangling it and rinsing it with shampoo and conditioner until it felt healthier. Just as I was about to move on to my skin I heard the bathroom door open and I whirled around to see Sam standing there in just his underwear. "S-Sam! What the hell?!" I covered my most important parts.

"I thought maybe we could shower together, after all I could use one too," he smirked, slipping out of his boxers and joining me under the water. I gulped and tried to concentrate but it was hard, especially when he began washing my body. He placed light, teasing kisses on my neck and it wasn't long before things escalated into something much more passionate...

What little energy I had left had drained from me as Sam dried my tired body and helped me out of the bathroom. "Here we go babe," he whispered, kissing my temple and laying me on the soft sheets of the comfortable bed. He joined me a second later and pulled me right up against his body so I could feel everything. "You're too damn cute."

"Mm," I mumbled, snuggling against his firm chest. He combed his fingers through my hair therapeutically and it wasn't long before I fell into a deep sleep.

- The Next Day -

When my eyes opened again I felt as though I had been completely rejuvenated. I had never slept so well in my life, but after the incredibly intense and knackering couple of days we had had, it was no surprise that I felt as tired as I did. Judging by the height of the sun peeking through the curtains it was probably early afternoon, but there was nothing that needed to be done so I happily stayed in bed, snuggling up against my new boyfriend.

I looked up at Sam to see him still asleep, snoring lightly. I couldn't fight a smile as I watched him sleep peacefully, his grip somehow still tight around me. The lingering smell of cigarettes and the soap we washed with last night was comforting. I watched him sleep, studying his face: the small plaster on his nose from where Rafe had punched him, the stubble growing on his chin and the small scar he had on his right cheekbone.

"Like what you see?" Sam murmured, smirking and opening his eyes to look at me. I immediately became flustered, realising he'd been awake the whole time.

"Shut up," I snapped, looking away but he cupped my cheek and guided my head back to him before pulling me in for a kiss. I sighed and kissed back. "How long have you been awake?"

"About fifteen minutes. You look cute when you sleep," he whispered and I rolled my eyes at his charm. "This is the part where you tell me I look cute sleeping too."

"You need a shave," I said, rubbing my hand against his stubble and he laughed.

"Oh, well thank you," he said, reaching over to the bedside table to retrieve his lighter and a packet of cigarettes. "Do you mind?"

"No, it's okay," I said, having come to quite like the smell as it reminded me of him. He lit one up and we cuddled in silence for a little while, basking in happiness but there was one specific thing I needed him to know. "Sam?"


"Listen... just because we're together now, it doesn't- I don't forgive you for what happened," I said firmly, looking up at him with a stern expression. There was a subtle look of sadness on his face after I spoke these words.

"Yeah... I figured that was the case," he muttered, taking a long drag from his cigarette, and judging by his expression there was shame within him.

"But," I said and this caught his attention. "A wise old man gave me some pretty good advice yesterday. I don't want us to give up on happiness over one stupid mistake."

"I am sorry... about the whole thing-,"

"I know you are, I know," I assured him, pulling the cigarette that hung from his lips away and pecking him quickly. He blew out the smoke trapped in his mouth before properly pulling me in for a kiss. It was impossible not to fall so deeply for him, but thinking of this reminded me of something. "Did you really think I was going to get with Nate?"


"Last time we were in this hotel bed, you admitted you thought I was going to end up with Nate," I said and he sighed.

"Yeah I did. I mean he's the same age as you, and I thought he was more your type. A little more responsible, y'know? I know I'm the good-looking one and all, but I still thought you preferred him," Sam said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Be honest with me... did you really like me? Romantically I mean, back then?" I asked and he gulped.

"Well I always had a soft spot for you... I mean I'd never do anything you didn't want... it took me to being locked up before realising just how much I cared for you," Sam said. "Don't take this the wrong way but... I was so damn happy when Nathan told me you weren't married."

"Yeah well, I guess it never quite happened for me," I said.

"It means I get to have you now," he said, kissing me passionately and taking my breath away. "As a girlfriend and as a treasure-hunting partner, right?"

"Right," I smiled, allowing him to deepen the kiss into something much more passionate and loving. This was only the beginning of a life filled with endless trouble and adventure alongside none other than Sam Drake.

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