3: Lights Out

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 Behind me I heard Nate slam the crowbar against the metal gate, prizing it open and freeing me. "Let's go," he said, him having also forced open the door. "Sam, tell me you got the cross!"

"Got St Dismas right here, you wanna say hi?" He teased and I let out a laugh of relief.

"We've really kicked a hornets nest down here. Ballrooms locked down, security's scrambling," Sully said.

"Victor where's our getaway?" Sam asked.

"Come to the driveway out front, just follow the spotlights. I'll bring the car around," he said.

"Roger that," I answered, both Nate and I running through the gardens and trying to head to the front of the estate. Guards were filling up the place quickly causing me to panic but I didn't stop, however we ended up getting separated when a windowsill Nate jumped to fell through, causing him to drop a few metres.

"Go! Hurry up!" Nate hissed as he had to make his route another way. I made my way to a high vantage point and spotted the roof of the ballroom, knowing that was where I needed to go. Stealth was always a specialty of mine, so I was able to jump from roof to roof smoothly without being caught by the dumb bodyguards.

As I kept going I had a feeling things were going to get hairy. Up ahead I saw one guard patrolling a roof by himself, so I crept along and jumped him from behind, knocking him unconscious easily. I raided him of his guns and weapons, thinking that despite not liking confrontation it was highly likely we'd need them.

I kept my sights on the ballroom roof, and to my surprise saw Sam sat on top of it. "(y/n)! (y/n), over here!" Sam called and I made my way as quick as I could, relieved to see him.

"This was messier than I thought it was going to be," I admitted.

"Yeah, it's a shame, that was a nice dress," he winked. My dress was now covered in dust and marks, tears and scratches all over it.

"Oh well, I'll buy a new one when we get Avery's treasure," I said and he laughed. "I came across these," I handed him one of the guns from the guard, surprising him.

"Whoa, thanks... how'd you get these?"

"I borrowed them," I said sarcastically.

"Alright I'm at the car, where the hell are you guys?" Sully called down the earpiece.

"Just met your friend Nadine Ross. She's lovely," Nate said sarcastically and Sam and I exchanged nervous looks.

"It's total chaos down here, they're trying to keep it contained but everyone's freakin' out," Sully said.

"Nathan where you at?" Sam asked.

"Good question... why, where are you?"

"We're at the ballroom roof, (y/n)'s here too. Good thing is she managed to get guns," Sam said.

"How do I get there?" Nate asked.

"There's a fancy round sign near us... it's quite distinct, look out for that," I suggested.

"Distinct round sign... got it," Nate said.

"How do we get down from here?" I asked when Sam suddenly grabbed me and yanked me down.

"Get down," he whispered, holding me close. There was a large balcony near us where three patrolmen walked, their guns raised and their trigger fingers itchy. A loud crash caught their attention however, and we also looked up to see Nathan hanging from the round sign I had explained to him moments ago. "Nathan! What're you doing?"

"What does it look like?!" Nate yelled back. Sam and I took aim, taking one out each. There was still a third and Sam held me down protectively until he had taken the final guy out.

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