14: No Escape

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 Sam snatched the map from Rafe's hand, then grabbed mine and we ran down the tunnel just as the explosions began. I could hear the mercenaries shouting, I could hear Nadine spitting orders at them but above all I could hear the intense explosions. The firing of a gun came directly for us and I didn't doubt Nadine and Rafe sent mercenaries after us, but we knew we had to keep running. Up ahead there was a spec of light which I hoped meant daylight and safety.

I was half right. Sam and I had made it outside but we were far from safe: it seemed as though Nadine had sent out a command to her entire army to find where we were. We'd reached the docks of the island, it now looking like a ship graveyard but that meant plenty of places to hide.

Mercenaries were firing rapidly at us and we knew that unless we got a weapon, we'd be killed. We hid behind a crate until a mercenary got too close, Sam then able to grab him and me then able to grab his gun and shoot him. We raided him for weapons and we were now back in business.

Still heavily outnumbered and with no way of loosing them, we fought with all we had. "Up there! Sniper!" Sam yelled and I whirled my head around to see a sniper pointed at us. I rolled out the way just in time but knew I needed to get that gun, so without giving a thought to the danger, I climbed up to where he was. "(Y/N) ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

"YOU KNOW I AM!" I yelled, shooting the sniper and grabbing his rifle. I felt back in my comfort zone, looking through the telescope and aiming perfectly. I was able to take down mercenary after mercenary, not giving a damn anymore.

"C'mon (y/n)! We gotta move!" Sam cried up to me. I jumped down from my vantage point, the two of us raiding the dead bodies for weapons and attempting to move on before more came but it was too late. We were surrounded, but we were able to hide behind the side of the boat. The intensity of the firing was splintering the sides rather quickly. I used the sniper to take a good few of them out, but through my telescope I saw something I did not expect to see.

"Nathan!" I cried out happily, this catching Sam's attention. We saw him approaching, and next to him was Elena. "Elena!"

"Stay there, we're coming to you!" Nate shouted and we nodded, only just able to hear them over all the fire. Now that we had two extra pairs of hands we were able to take down the rest that were currently surrounding us pretty easily.

"Hey! Up here!" Sam called out once we dealt with the last few. "Man, you're a sight for sore eyes," Sam laughed with relief.

"Yeah, now how about we get off this damn beach, huh?" Nate suggested.

"Absolutely," Sam said, kicking down a rope ladder for them.

"Elena," I hugged my best friend tightly, relieved to feel her return the hug. "I'm so sorry, really I am-,"

"It's okay (y/n)," she smiled.

"No it's not-,"

"We can deal with this later," she told me, but her warm smile told me everything was going to be okay between us.

"Hey, did you find my lighter?" Sam asked casually and just as I was about to hit him and RPG blew a hole in the side of the ship we were standing on. The deck didn't hold and we fell right through, more Shoreline mercenaries heading our way, coming to us from a different angle.

The four of us immediately jumped into battle and I was able to take out the guy with with RPG using my rifle, Nate then grabbing the weapon and using it recklessly, blowing holes in the other marooned ships the Shoreline mercenaries were stood on. "Haha, karma's a bitch!" Nate yelled happily.

"Ah hell- over there, from the other ship! On the deck!" Sam yelled to everyone as we pushed forward, and I saw many mercs piling onto a ships deck pointing a large variety of guns at us. Nate pointed his RPG at them, taking out many at a time whilst I looked through my telescope, catching a few of the more difficult ones.

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