10: Marooned

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- Sam's POV -

"Nathan! (y/n)!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I crawled onto the beach, soaked head to toe. I kept on calling out for them but my voice was being drowned out by the thunder, the rain and the wind. I clambered to my feet and looked around desperately for any sign of them. Panic was filling me as I thought about (y/n) and what state she must've been in.

Using what little energy I had left I stumbled around the beach when suddenly I saw a body up ahead: it was (y/n). I ran as quickly as I could, collapsing beside her and seeing that she was a mess. There were scratches all over her body from hitting into rocks due to the force of the sea, blood was seeping out of her bullet wound and her top was torn roughly. "No, no, no," I begged for her to be alive, pressing my ear against her chest and hearing a heartbeat. I administered CPR, pumping her chest before giving her mouth to mouth. "Breathe dammit!" I shouted and it was almost like she heard me, as seconds later she coughed up water and hyperventilated.

I immediately pulled her into a hug but she was still dazed. She looked like she was about to pass out again any minute, and I knew it was due to her injury. I lifted her already torn top and saw a graze in her side, but I had no bandages so I used the next best thing.

I pulled her top off of her body and pressed it against her side, then stripping off my outer shirt and wrapping it around her to cover her. I held her torn top in place, over the wound hoping it would slow down the bleeding. "C'mon (y/n), we gotta find shelter. You with me?" I asked, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and lifting her to her feet, using my other hand to hold her makeshift bandage in place.

She groaned as I tried to walk the two of us away from the beach. There was debris from crashed Shoreline boats against the sand and the rocks but I kept going, using all my remaining strength to get her further inland where we could hopefully find shelter. The uneven terrain wasn't helping, but my goal of getting her to safety was keeping me going.

Thankfully I saw a small cave up ahead, so I headed straight for it. "Stay awake (y/n), we're almost there," I said, heaving her along until we were under the shelter of the cave. I carefully rested her on the ground, lifting my shirt she was wearing and assessing the wound. It was nowhere near as bad as it could've been which I was extremely grateful for, but she had still taken a battering from the sea. Cuts were all over her body and she had a graze on her temple, probably disorienting her.

"Sam?" She croaked, her eyes opening a little.

"Yeah, yeah it's me," I sat beside her, pulling her into my side. She began shivering so I hugged her tightly, careful not to disturb her wound. "I'm sorry," she muttered, her voice hoarse.

"Sorry? What're you sorry for?" I asked, knowing it should be me who was sorry for getting her into this mess.

"I do love you," she mumbled and I froze. I wasn't sure if she realised what she said or not as she was still a little dazed. I realised that she was apologising for saying that our night together was a one time thing, and couldn't be anything more.

"Yeah... I- I love you too," I finally admitted. She murmured and was soon asleep against me. I looked down and she looked so peaceful. I had already been feeling more and more guilty as this search continued, about the mess I had gotten my little brother in, about the danger I had put (y/n) in. I pinched the bridge of my nose wondering how on earth I was going to tell them the truth. It was stupid to lie to begin with... but now I had dug a hole too deep.

- Timeskip - - (y/n)'s POV -

The first thing I felt was a sharp pain in my abdomen and a pounding in my head. Then I felt warmth and my eyes fluttered open to see I was laying down in Sam's arms, him fast asleep. Being careful not to wake him I glanced down to see me wearing his shirt which I carefully lifted to reveal my own scrunched up and pressed tightly against my abdomen. I pulled it away to see the wound from the bullet that had grazed me, but thanks to my top the bleeding had subsided.

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