9: At Sea

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 A loud knock on my door caused me to awaken, and I heard the familiar voice of Nathan Drake call through it. "(y/n)! Hurry up, are you awake?!"

Just as I was about to get up to answer the door the bed shifted beside me, and I felt an arm snake itself around my waist. I almost jumped out of my skin when I turned to see none other than Sam Drake lying naked beside me, and that was when I remembered the passionate events of last night. Nate's knocking didn't appear to wake Sam thankfully, so I slid myself from his arm and found my pyjamas scattered on the floor. I changed into them in a hurry, rushing to the door and pulling it open only slightly. "Hey Nate," I said as casually as possible.

"It's already 08:00, we gotta hurry to the dock and rent a boat. Have you seen Sam? He's not answering his door," Nate said and I tried to hide my fluster.

"No I've not seen him... maybe he went out for a packet of cigarettes?" I lied, thinking it was logical.

"Probably. Anyway, hurry up, we gotta leave soon," Nate said. "Knock on my door when you're ready."

"Yeah, will do," I said, quickly shutting my door and turning back to see Sam still asleep. 'Oh shit, what the hell have I done?' I shouted at myself internally. I remembered the heat and passion of last night, it making my face feel hot. It was terribly inconvenient timing, halfway through us hunting down treasure that would save Sam's life, whilst my best friend's marriage was on the verge of collapse. "Wake up," I shook Sam roughly, tempted to throw a glass of water on him.

"Hm? Hey," he said with a smirk, reaching out to grab my waist and pull me back to bed.

"Now's not the time, we have to go!" I pulled the covers off of him which was a mistake. I quickly looked away, throwing them back over him. "Just- get up!" I went to my en-suite to change and wash up, trying to distract myself, and when I came out Sam was already dressed. "Listen... Nate can't find out about last night... that was a... a one time thing," I dared to say and Sam furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? Why?"

"Because we're halfway through a hunt and trying to save your life! Plus Nate's marriage is on the verge of breaking down- now's not the time, okay?"

"Will there be a right time?" He asked and I hesitated.

"You need to go back to your room," I said quietly. Sam let out a disgruntled scoff and left. I let out a jagged sigh, feeling guilty but hoping he'd come round. I left my room and headed for Nate's, the two of us then collecting Sam from his. We all walked in silence towards the docks to rent a boat, and we started unloading our supplies onto it.

"Wait a minute, I just need to buy a pack of smokes," Sam said and I froze.

"What? I thought you bought some this morning?" Nate said.

"No?" Sam seemed confused but headed off. Nate didn't question me on it thankfully and instead helped me pack up the boat. It looked like a lovely calm day for sailing, the heat radiating down on us and not a gust of wind in the air. Nate typed in the coordinates he'd worked out and once Sam returned we set off in the direction the radar was telling us.

I sat on the edge of the boat, watching the water ripple as we sped along it. There was silence between the three of us, each thinking about our own individual problems. Nate was driving to keep him distracted, Sam was smoking and I was simply watching the sea. Suddenly I smelt the smoke of a cigarette and saw Sam perched beside me on the boats edge. "It's okay."


"If this's the way it has to be then this's the way it has to be," he said and I gulped, wishing I had the confidence to confess my feelings for him right there and then. "No hard feelings?"

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