5: Those Who Prove Worthy

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 "So who do you think these guys are?" Nate asked, studying one of the skeletons in the gibbets and drawing a picture of them in his notebook.

"Those who proved false I guess," Sam said. "I think Avery, or Thomas Tew, are just trying to scare us."

"Well it's definitely disturbing," I said, deciding to push forward, down a passageway to the left of the statues. Sharp icicles hung from the top of the cave, crossing a rickety looking wooden bridge. "That looks... sketchy," I said as we approached it, the wood looking rotten.

"It looks about as safe as the others," Nate shrugged nonchalantly.

"Famous last words," Sam said.

"I think - er - ladies first?" Nate said and I backed away.

"No way, you're the one who said it looks safe," I defended.

"I said as safe as the others!"

"Alright, I'll got first," Sam interrupted our squabble and walked carefully across the bridge. There were a few slight creaking noises but he managed to get to the other side safely. It gave me confidence to go so I crossed, breathing a sigh of relief when I was on the other side.

"There, told you it was safe," Nate said once he joined us. I rolled my eyes and led the way forward.

"These bridges were surely not built to code," Sam said, looking back at the wooden structure.

"Sure they are... pirate code," Nate said and as much as I didn't want to laugh I couldn't help it.

"Ahaha, not bad," Sam admitted as we pressed on. "So Tew built this place with Avery... why?"

"If they were both successful pirates in their both rights, why work together?" I asked.

"I don't know... I can't make sense of it all," Nate said. "I mean if Avery's trying to hide his treasure, why involve another pirate ?"

"Maybe he saw him as a part of his crew?" Sam suggested. "He could've sent him one of those Saint Dismas crosses."

"Yeah, and maybe Tew took all the treasure for himself," Nate laughed.

"Don't say that, please don't say that," I begged. "What if... what if they worked together? Hid their treasure together?"

"But why?" Sam asked and I shrugged.

"In all honesty? I have no idea," I said, the three of us pushing on through the damp and cold pirate cave. Occasionally the cave shook, as a result of Shoreline's blasts above us. We passed through another complex test left by Avery, allowing us further into the icy cave. I found myself shivering, not even the adrenaline able to keep me warm. "Why didn't they take hundred of years worth of erosion into account when they built this damn place," I scowled, looking at the cliff we were going to have to climb due to our path being blocked once again.

"I guess we're just a couple hundred years too late," Sam said, leading the way up the cliff side. Trying to ignore my numb fingers I followed, Nate bringing up the rear. Despite the cold and the lack of pathways it was a beautiful place, with carved stone archways guiding our way. Waterfalls trickled down from thin gaps in the roof of the cave, the sun peeking through and causing them to sparkle. We did however soon stumble upon a catacomb, which was understandable given that we were now underneath a cathedral.

"Hey guys," Nate whispered over to us, beckoning us to join him on a small ledge. He was peering through a gap in the stones, and as I approached I heard distinct voices.

"Rafe, any luck with those manuscripts?" Nadine's voice said and I glanced at the boys, uncertainty on my face.

"Can we have a minute?" Rafe asked, his voice sending chills down my spine. It had been a long time since I had heard it... thirteen years in fact, but it still made me nervous even today. I watched through the cracks as Nadine dismissed her mercenary.

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