Chapter 11 - Skath

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What. The. Fuck...

Were they seriously fucking right there in front of everyone?

He jerked her dress over her head, baring her lythe body to the room and the other males just sat there, watching in appreciation as they drank their wine. Even Timeout seemed to stop scowling long enough to enjoy the show.

Charlotte was suddenly acutely aware of Gondroll's hands on her as he re-tied the back of her gown and she couldn't wait for him to finish so she could find somewhere else to look. Anywhere else to look!

Sitting up straighter, she snagged the cup Ahnekk had been drinking and chugged the rest of his wine before Gondroll could take it from her. He did try but she jerked away from him to get the last drop, then set the cup down, licking her lips and glaring at him.

"The fuck you think you're gonna give me juice instead of wine then make me watch your home-brew porn? Bullshit," she said, picking up the pitcher and pouring herself another cup as she twisted on the bench so she could face the wall.

Sitting beside her, Gondroll gave her a disapproving look as she gulped another cup of wine. He glanced at the pallet where the show was sounding like it was getting good, then back to Charlotte as though he didn't understand her reaction.

A high pitched gasp had her glancing back without thinking just in time to see Ahnekk over Shodara, his powerful muscles flexing as he pushed into her.

With a flinch, Charlotte jerked her gaze to the wall again and felt heat rise in her face. She wasn't a prude or anything. Hell all of the showers and bathrooms on base were unisex and she'd caught plenty of soldiers fucking other soldiers, or doctors, or engineers or anyone who wanted to fuck. Sometimes she'd watch but it was an unspoken rule that you didn't just blatantly watch! And if you were doing the fucking you didn't just start porking in front of a crowd!

Despite her embarrassment and awkwardness, Charlotte felt herself grow wet between the legs and she shivered, biting down hard on her bottom lip at the sounds the Uu'k'asht were making.

When the bench started moving, she glanced to the side to see Echnar jerking off, an elbow casually set on the table as he watched the show. Charlotte flinched, looking the other way only to find Gondroll still staring at her in open fascination.

She stood up without any plan as to where to go. So she just took a step toward the wall and covered her ears with her hands and closed her eyes. It didn't help much but at least the sounds were muffled and she couldn't feel the bench moving.

Still, the sight of Ahnekk's muscled back flexing, hips thrusting, and Echnar gripping himself  played over and over in her head and she internally screamed at herself for being a sick piece of shit. How could she get turned on by the enemy fucking and jerking off in front of her? How?

It lasted forever. At least it felt as though it lasted forever. Apparently Uu'k'asht males could just keep it up for a long time, and were able to come several times during a... session.

When someone finally touched her shoulder she recoiled only to see Shodara there, looking at her in concern. At least she was dressed, finally.

Charlotte's heart was pounding and she felt if she didn't get laid soon she could explode, but... well that was never going to happen. If all Uu'k'asht were hung like Echnar and Ahnekk then she'd be split in half... what the fuck was she thinking? She needed to get out of here!

"Se, se," Shodara said softly, reaching out and petting Charlotte's hair.

Charlotte realized she was trembling and maybe on the verge of panic and the buzz she had from the wine wasn't helping.

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