Chapter 40 - War Room

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***Note: This chapter contains a scene of domestic violence that could be disturbing to some readers.***

The ship touched down on the massive landing pad in the back of the castle grounds just as Echnar and Charlotte reappeared. She looked way more excited than he was comfortable with.

"Take her to the room, they're not to see her," Ahnekk said.

Charlotte's face screwed up in offense but before she could say anything he said, "You agreed to do as I say, Charlotte. And right now, I need you out of sight."

She bristled. "We're not fighting, so I'm not under your command at the moment," she said, then added, "Why can't I meet them?"

"Because they have never seen a human before and until I know exactly who is coming off that ship and whether or not I can trust them, I will not let it be known that you are here."

Charlotte glared at him, but said, "Fine. But I want my food."

Ahnekk glanced nervously at the doors as Charlotte gathered her plate, her mug, and a pitcher of wine and tried to balance it all. Echnar finally stepped in and took the wine and ushered her out of the throne room only a second before the doors pushed open and in stepped the crew of the Shadow Slicer.

"Helkta Ahnekk," called Captain Tlornden, his dual rows of antenna glimmering pale purple and blue inside his feathery mane of bright fuchsia hair. "Please forgive the interruption," he said, noticing the tables and feast. "We have either arrived at either the best of time or the worst."

Typical for a Tilith, he loved a good party.

"If the tidings you bring aren't ill, I would say it is the best of times. After all, we can always use more entertainment," Ahnekk said with a grin as he approached the tall captain.

"This is a celebration of prowess," said a voice Ahnekk hadn't heard in far too long.

Jakoba, Ahnekk's younger brother, stepped up beside the captain, giving a final glance at the banners.

"What did he do?" Jakoba asked.

Ahnekk threw aside decorum and rushed forward to grab his brother up in his arms.

Jakoba grinned and returned the embrace.

"I began to wonder if you would ever return," Ahnekk said, stepping back but still clutching his brother's arms.

"He almost didn't. Our last mission got a lite rough and Jak had to be patched up in a port, but the crazy Uuk pulled through," Tlornden said, cuffing Jakoba on the shoulder as his weapons specialist, Ondet, entered with the odd, rolling gait of the Koli. His six eyes scanning every inch and shadow of the room.

"What were you doing getting hurt?" Ahnekk demanded. "You're a mechanic."

"I'm not just a mechanic, but I'll let that slide for now. Chief Engineer might be my job on the ship, brother, but I was a warrior first, in case you forgot."

Ahnekk laughed and squeezed his brother's shoulder and released him.

"So, what is the nature of your visit?" Ahnekk asked, turning to Tlornden.

"There is a matter we wish to discuss with you in hopes of gaining Uu'k'asht support, but it can wait. I would not wish to further interrupt the celebration of your warrior. Besides, I'm hungry and this feast looks mouthwatering."

"Then, by all means, join us," Ahnekk said, motioning to the tables. "I will retrieve our guests."

Ahnekk was relieved when his brother didn't offer to join him as he needed to ensure the silence of his guests before letting them mingle with the crew of the Shadow Slicer.

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