Chapter 39 - Shadow Slicer

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"What visitors could I possibly have?" Charlotte asked as Ahnekk guided her into the room with a huge hand that engulfed her shoulder.

Her hair was still damp but her clothes were dry.

The throne room was a massive, cavernous affair with looming, stone pillars and long windows made from blue-tinted glass. At the very front of the room was a raised dais, upon which hulked a throne that looked like it had been carved from a single boulder.

Behind it rose a stand that held four very decorative spears.

A delegation of the Nine Vipers gathered in the middle of the room, chatting amongst themselves, and as Ahnekk guided her into the room, Helkta Dhorreka stepped forward.

"Ah," he said. "There she is. The prisoner turned heartmate, turned hero."

"Uh, yeah. Hello. Sorry to keep you waiting. I was, um, looking for a salon," Charlotte said as the huge Helkta strode up to her and looked down. "I was gonna get my hair did, but realized I have no idea what you all use for money."

"I am surprised you survived," he commented with a small smile.

"Me too. Salons can be deadly places."

"He is talking about your ordeal with the ennelath," Ahnekk said patiently.

"I know that," she said. Then to Helkta Dohrekka she said, "I'm glad too. I guess I'm alive all thanks to the tentacles now deep in my brain and nervous system," she added through her teeth with a forced smile.

"Ah," Dohrekka said, putting a finger under her chin and lifting her face. "Our eyes look good on you, little hero. A warrior should not have the eyes of a child."

Charlotte considered several snarky comebacks but ended up just smiling up at the big Helkta.

"Hefka," he said, "bring it."

From behind him, Hefka appeared holding a large, green fur.

"Oh, hi. Are you gonna kill me today?" she asked in the usual chipper tone she reserved just for him.

"Maybe tomorrow," he said with a smirk and a wink.

She grinned as he unfurled a long cloak and held it up.

"Holy shit," she said, eyes going wide.

It was made from the hide of the ennelath she'd killed and it was absolutely beautiful.

"You killed it," he said, "it should be your trophy."

Ahnekk stepped aside so Hefka could settle the heavy cloak onto her shoulders, then a girl stepped forward and smiled shyly at her.

"It's you," Charlotte said, suddenly recognizing the girl as the one the ennelath almost ate by the river. What was her name? Rikki?

She was young enough that her tusks hadn't started to poke up between her lips yet.

"I'm glad you are okay," Rikki said shyly.

"I'm glad you're okay too," Charlotte responded.

Rikki held out a beaded necklace made from teeth and claws.

"I made it," she said.

"And I will wear it proudly," Charlotte said, feeling an odd lump forming in her throat.

The girl smiled wide and Charlotte lowered her head so she could slip it on her.

"Well," Ahnekk said, "since Charlotte was still in a coma when the return celebration happened, I say we have a feast tonight, in her honor."

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