Chapter 30 - Into the Forest

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**In loving memory of Rodney (1968-2023), and Candice (1981-2023). May you both find peace among the cosmos that you couldn't find on Earth***

Charlotte sank into the hot water and groaned. It eased the ache in her pelvis, but she was going to need more of Gondrol's salve and a few days' break from the boys for sure. They'd been ravenous this morning, passing her back and forth, wringing orgasm after orgasm out of her until she finally told them to stop because she was starving. Then they'd fed her until she couldn't eat another bite, had the water in the bathtub changed out, and left to check on Echnar.

She hoped he was okay. She'd seen that wound before on men. It often didn't end well even with the advanced medical tech humans had at their disposal.

Charlotte washed her hair, scrubbed her arms, legs, chest, and back, then carefully cleaned her sore crotch.

"Ohhhh," she moaned with a wince. "That was awesome but fuck, guys."

The sheer size of the Uu'k'asht was something she was going to have to get used to.

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte dunked her head under the water and put her hands up to scrub at her scalp.

She resurfaced just as the tent flap flew open and someone hustled inside.

Quickly rubbing the water from her eyes, Charlotte looked up to see Shodara stalking toward her, eyes wide and intense.

Uh-oh. Was she angry? Charlotte thought Shodara wanted her to—

Shodara climbed into the bathtub with her clothes on and was on Charlotte before she could even finish the thought. The Uu'k'asht female wrapped arms around her and lifted her to nuzzle her throat, hitching one of Charlotte's thighs over her hip.

"Oh my holy shit, Sho, ah!"

"It's about time he found his courage," Shodara said breathlessly. "For too long have I wanted to taste you."

"Um, the tasting is going to have to wait," Charlotte said, taking Shodara's shoulders and giving her a gentle push so she could look into her face. 

Shodara looked into Charlotte's eyes, her gaze searing.

"I'm a lot smaller than you and I had both Ahnekk and Gondrol going rounds on me since last night. I'm sore."

Shodara's searing gaze instantly turned thunderous. "They hurt you?" she practically hissed. 

"Don't be mad, Sho. We were all enjoying ourselves. I mean, I've been in here watching and listening to you all go at it for months now, I needed it. But, like I said, I'm a lot smaller than you."

Sighing, Shodara sat back, leaning against the back of the tub, her lovely, blue dress soaked. "So," she said, "you enjoyed them."

"Uh, yes," Charlotte said feeling color rise in her cheeks. "Very... much. Wow, this is awkward."

"Why?" Shodara asked, tilting her head.

"Just... I guess this is a conversation I never thought I'd have. I was supposed to die on a battlefield. Not end up..."

"Mated into an Uu'k'asht Shelen?" Shodara supplied.

"Yeah. I guess," Charlotte said, looking down into the water.

"You know, you didn't have to wait," Shodara said.

Frowning, Charlotte asked, "For what?"

Shodara leaned in, looking at Charlotte's lips until their noses brushed. Charlotte's heart started to hammer in her chest as the beautiful female's eyelashes batted against the top of her cheeks. Damn, but she was gorgeous, dainty tusks and all.

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