Chapter 22 - Cute as a Kitten

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Ahnekk was disappointed Charlotte had chosen to stay in the tent. Disappointed, but not surprised. Maybe a little relieved. During a Send-Off, anyone could fornicate with whoever they wanted, so long as it wasn't private. It wasn't his business if Charlotte wanted to have some sport, but everyone was good and drunk and he worried some of the warriors wouldn't be as gentle with her as they should be. After all, Charlotte was petite, her bones weaker than an Uu'k'asht.

He'd been partaking in the celebration but realized he wanted to see Charlotte one last time before he left for battle. He was on his way back to his tent when Tasha stepped out in front of him. Oddly, he was barefoot.

"Helkta Ahnekk," he said.

"This isn't a good time, Tasha," Ahnekk said, trying to step around the young warrior.

Tasha stepped back into his way.

"I wish to give you my spear," he said quickly.

Ahnekk stopped and stared at him, his eyebrows rising.

"If I survive the coming battle, I will pledge my spear to you and your shelen."

Ahnekk cocked his head and folded his arms.

"Is it us you want? Or just her?" he asked.

"Mostly her," he admitted.


The young warrior smiled and shrugged. "Yes. Mostly," he said.

Ahnekk had to admit the warrior would be a good addition to his shelen. He wanted to say yes, but he waited, pretending to consider as the young warrior fidgeted.

"If we survive the battle, you carve your spear and bring it to my shelen. If Shodara accepts you, so will I."

Tasha's lips spread into a wide smile and he breathed a huff of relief, pressing a hand to his heart. "I will find a blackwood tree tonight. My spear will be beautiful and deserving of your shelen," Tasha swore before setting off through the tents.

Ahnekk huffed, wondering how Dorrhekka was going to take losing a warrior he'd sent in as a spy. Or... maybe this had been his intention all along. To create a permanent tie to Clan Kothos. If so, it was smart. Far more underhanded than needed, but smart.

As he walked, he thought about that angle. He knew Helkta Dorrhekka had a nephew, but he didn't know his name. Was it Tasha?

Entering the tent, Ahnekk found Charlotte asleep on her pallet. Her fur was tucked up around her neck and her blonde hair spilled over the pillow in a cascade of pale gold. He approached silently and looked down at her.

Asleep, she looked so sweet and pure. Her blonde eyelashes fanned over the tops of her cheeks, pink lips relaxed and slightly parted. It was easy to forget how dangerous she was when she was asleep. No, not just when she was asleep. It was easy to forget when she played music and sang. When her skin turned pink after being complimented. An adorable reaction he loved to watch. It was just when she met his eyes that he remembered that an Ennaleth existed within her. She had the eyes of a survivor, a predator. A warrior. Her gaze held the shadows of dark deeds and neglected heartaches. Of fears overcome or buried and a cold acceptance of inevitable violence and brutality.

Such eyes should not exist on a female and it always left an ache just beneath his breastbone.

Getting down on his haunches beside her, he reached out and smoothed a few locks of hair from her face.

Her eyes flew open and in the seconds that followed, she batted his hand away, threw her fur into his face, hit him in the forehead with something he was pretty sure was her knee, and kicked him in the chest hard enough to tip him backward before he could react to the unexpected attack.

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