Chapter 21 - Stockholm

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Charlotte blinked awake and frowned into the dim light of the tent. The wind pushed the walls of the tent inward and snapped them back out again, a sound she was now used to. So, what had awakened her?

The bath water was warm, she didn't feel sick anymore. In fact, she felt strong. Well, stronger than she should after being poisoned.

Raising her hand, she felt the side of her face to discover Lilly was gone. The Skath wasn't in the water either.

Looking around the tent told her she was alone.

Swallowing, she put her arms on the sides of the tub and pushed herself up. Her legs trembled when she put her weight on them, but they held.

She stepped out of the tub and dried off with a piece of fabric she guessed was a towel of some kind. She wrapped it around her body and looked for her folded pile of dresses, only to find that in their place, by her pallet, was a trunk.

Charlotte glanced around the empty tent again before easing the lid open.

The collection of dresses Shodara kept having made for her was neatly folded inside and it looked like there were a couple more. Actually, more than a couple.

She dressed in a new one that was made of soft pink fabric. She'd never worn pink before in her life. For that matter, she'd hardly ever even seen the color with her own eyes.

Wearing it felt surreal and, standing there, she pressed her hand against the material covering her forearm, then looked down at herself.

For the first time in her life, she actually felt feminine. It was an odd feeling she didn't know how to describe, or what to do with.

"You look beautiful," Shodara said from the opening of the tent.

Charlotte turned to look at her as she let the tent flap fall back into place.

"Except for that awful nest on your head. But I think we can do something about that," Shodara added with a smirk.

Charlotte huffed and raised a hand to her head, feeling the tangles in her hair.

"Oh, wow," she said. "That's terrible."

Shodara gently brushed the knots out of her hair, then pinned back the front so it didn't hang into her face.

"It is good you chose this dress," Shodara said, running a hand down Charlotte's arm. "It compliments your skin and Ahnekk will be happy to see you in it."

"I don't understand how your family works," Charlotte said. "Aren't you jealous that the males are... I don't know, interested in me?"

Shodara snorted indelicately.

"Why would I be jealous?" she asked. "We have chosen each other as a family. That doesn't mean we cannot choose more family. We all just agree to share each other and those we choose. Tell me, Charlotte, how do humans mate?"

Charlotte shrugged. "Ideally it's couples. You know, two people. But there are those who prefer your way, I think."

"What do you prefer?" Shodara asked.

Charlotte shrugged again. "I don't know. I never had much of a chance to explore and discover what I prefer. I was always too busy trying to survive," she said, leaning down and adjusting her sandals. When she stood, Shodara's arms snaked around her from behind and her hand cupped her jaw, forcing her head up and back. She met the Uu'k'asht female's eyes and gulped, her mouth suddenly dry.

"We are going to help you explore, Charlotte. We will help you discover," Shodara said, her thumb caressing Charlotte's jaw in a little circle.

Her heart was suddenly pounding and she flexed her thighs as her core clenched.

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