Chapter 27- The Awkward Tension

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"Ok Beth, come on. We have to head over to Derek's studio cause we have to rehearse for the group dance."

"Ok. Hey Mark, I thought the top 2 computers are team captain. Shouldn't that be me not Sadie?"

"Yeah, but they omitted the switch up week scores cause some people might not be on the same team as their switch up partner. So Sadie beat you by 1 point cause she started to drop week 5."

"Ohh ok. I'm still shocked she picked me."

"She's probably wants to win. She knows your suppose to be captain so that means you must be good."

"Or Derek told her to pick me."

"Yeah probably that.." Mark caved knowing the truth.

Rolling her eyes Bethany walked into Derek and Sadie's studio to see that Julianne and Cody weren't there yet.

"Hey guys!" Bethany smiled waving.

"Hey babe." Derek walked up to Bethany but got cut off by Mark,

"Hey honey buns! Oh I love you soooooooooo much!" Mark joked around with his arms around Derek, making Bethany and Sadie laugh.

"Yeah love you too Mark, now excuse me. But I wanna see my beautiful fiancee."

"Wait... Fiancee...?" Sadie raised her eyebrows.

"Oh yeah... I guess we haven't announced it yet... We're engaged!" Bethany exclaimed as if a big announcement.. Which in a way, it was.

"Well isn't that just.... Dandy!" Sadie hissed through her teeth.


"Why did you-" Sadie got cut off by a voice across the room.

"HOUGH BALLAS RAT PACK IS BACK!!!!" Julianne yelled walking into the room.

"HELL YEAHH!'' Mark yelled back.

"Let's get into it guys!" Derek clapped his hands together gathering everyone in.


"Soo what should the team name be?" Derek asked as everyone sat around in a circle.

"What about Team Itsy Bitsy. You know cause like.. Itsy Bitsy spider." Bethany suggested.

"No that's stupid!" Sadie rejected.

"Actually I think it's a really cool name. Since it's like Halloween theme." Mark butted in

"Yeah. Plus when you think about it, it's like. You think we're Itsy Bitsy. But then BAM!" Julianne jumped into the conversation.

"Well, I'm team captain and I think it's stupid."

"How about we put it to a vote? I mean... I technically a captain too." Derek suggested.

"Fine.. All in favour for Team Itsy Bitsy." Sadie said.

Let's just say 5 of 6 hands went up.

"So... Are we Team Itsy Bitsy?" Bethany asked raising her voice slightly in pitch.

"TEAM ITSY BITSY!" Julianne yelled jumping up and down.

"Are you sugar high or something?" Derek asked looking at his hyper sister.

"Yeah.. I don't think she is. She was like this when I picked her up this morning." Cody said as Julianne stopped her happy dance and looked at them.

"I am not sugar high. Can't I just be happy?"

"Yeah, you can be happy... But this is just way to far." Derek said. staring at his sister until he felt something his against his chest lightly,

"Oh leave her alone guys." Bethany laughed lightly.

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