Chapter 30- Did You Cheat On Me?

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"One mint chocolate chip and one birthday cake please." Bethany ordered.

"Coming right up. That'll be 4.50." the lady behind the counter said.

As Bethany pulled out her wallet to grab a five dollar bill she heard Derek's phone go off. She looked over to see that Derek had stepped a few feet back to answer the phone.

"Here's your ice cream." The lady handed over two ice cream cones.

"Thank you." Bethany said, "keep the change." Bethany handed over the money and walked over to Derek.

"Ok we'll be right there." She heard him say as he hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" Bethany asked.

"Mark's in the hospital."

"What!?!?!?!?!? What happened?"

"He slipped on some stairs, the doctors think he broke his ankle we have to go."

"Are you serious???"

"Yes I'm serious now come on!"


"Hey, we're looking for Mark Ballas, could you tell us which room he's in?" Derek asked the nurse at the front desk.

"One second sir." The nurse scrolled through the computer looking up his room number.

Bethany looked over to notice that Derek was tapping his foot in nervousness.

"I'm sure it's nothing serious."

"Room 452." The nurse said after what felt like ages.

"Thank you." Bethany said as Derek rushed off.

As they walked down the hall on the forth floor they finally came across his room.

"Mark! Oh my gosh are you ok?" A worried Bethany came rushing into Mark's hospital room.

"It's a broken bone, not a shattered lung B." Mark laughed lightly

"Still!" Bethany pouted.

"The doctors say it's cracked at the least. Maybe broken badly with some muscle damage too."

"Oh geezies!" Bethany bit her lip..

"I'm just scared about how the producers will take this?"

"Sasha or Keo will probably fill in."

"I'm actually hoping you would.." Mark smiled cheekishly

"What..?" Derek widened his eyes, "I just got eliminated tonight.."

"I was gonna pick you for the trio anyways!"

"Mark.." Derek tried to protest.

"Come on babe! We've already danced together before andd if I have to dance with someone I'd rather it be someone I'm use to already." Bethany pouted with her wide eye puppy dog face.

"We'll see.." Derek caved.


"Ok! So as some of you may know. Mark broke his talus in his ankle and won't be able to perform for at least 2 weeks. So Derek will fill in for Mark until further notice. If Bethany makes it to finals and Mark still isn't able to perform. Derek you will be Bethany's permanent partner. Since Bethany and Derek had this sudden partner change. They get to choose their trio dancer first." The producer stated.

"Sasha." Derek said with confidence.

"Alright Sasha, you'll be helping Derek and Bethany out with the trio.

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