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Forever? What does the word even mean?
Its something so surreal, something I have never seen?

Because in my mind, nothing last till the end, like what fairytales have shown
I guess its true what they say, that not everything can be set in stone

Like love for example, now thats something I would never pledge to be unending
For when you break their heart, oh there world will go descending

The guilt of ruining a persons life will stay in your heart and mind
And that is when forgiveness is what you'll be longing to find

Promises are also something that are proven not to last like what they seem
All the pretty words of "trust me", when broken might lower your self-esteem

I dont get it why people need to lie and give these words of an oath
It doesnt help our selves in our maturity and growth..

But I remember what my friend said that she was sure to last for a long time
It shocked me to realise that it was something a person can make anytime

"Memories" she said, and that was clear to be true
But with this little discovery, I then realized something that I now clearly knew

That in keeping something for a lifetime, theres only one thing able
And it is forever, meant for our memories, but not for us people..

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