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Lena looks from her purse to get her notes together for the evening, she happened to look up at her, the most gorgeous woman she's ever seen with a man with an arm wrapped around hers, her smile gleam at the guest introducing herself. Lena finally pulls herself out of her own thoughts. The graceful woman approaches Lena "Hi, I'm Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor correct?", "Yes hi, I'm running the event tonight to raise money for my hospital, who is the lovely gentleman" Lena could feel the warmth coming off of Kara right away and her sweet vanilla smell "Oh he is just a friend from work, Mike", "Well it's definitely nice to meet you two I hope you all have a good night and any questions feel free to ask", Kara smiled politely and Lena almost melts

Kara and Mike walk around the Gala looking at the event being held, she gets a ping on her phone that Lena is suppose to meet Supergirl tonight at her office for a small briefing. "Mike we have to get going soon, I have to meet with Lena later" Mike smiled "a date already? Damn" Kara rolled eyes "Mike..." with annoyance in her tone "as supergirl dumbass" Mike winked at Kara. Kara and Mike leave the venue when it ends

Supergirl flies up to Lena's office, and knocks on balcony door, Lena approaches the door to let her in "Supergirl what a wonderful time to have you come, I hope I'm not interfering with your work" Supergirl shook her head "Not at all Miss Luthor, how I can assist?" Lena walks around to get her tablet to screen share the tv "I was wondering if you could help me put this together?" as Supergirl stares at the scans it is a new suit for Supergirl but it's covered her whole entire body "It's.. it's to protect you from Kryptonite" Supergirl gasped a little "You're going to protect me?.." Lena nods "Yes after all I plan on working along side you in the future, if that's okay with you?" Supergirl paces two steps and turns and looks at Lena "I mean, I see why not" Lena put her hand out for a handshake "A Super and a Luthor working together" Supergirl took in the handshake. Lena couldn't keep her eyes off of Supergirls muscles under the suit "So.. I um.. I should probably let you go?" Supergirl smiles "I'll be around if you need me just give me a ping" Supergirl flies out of Lena's office. Lena mesmerized by Supergirl and Kara Danvers "two hotties in one night.. I need to get laid" as Lena decides to head home for the night.

Lena arrives at her apartment, getting ready for her shower, she strips off to her naked body and starts the shower, she can feel the water flowing down her body, as her mind goes back to Kara Danvers, she decides to feel herself to get her off for just this once "Damn... I really need to get laid" after her long shower, she decides to pour herself a glass of wine, flipping through a dating site trying to find a quick hook up, she stops swiping when she sees her "Kara..Danvers.." Lena quickly likes her page and leaves her a quick message then realized her name on the dating site is different then her actual name "Fuck it she'll understand hopefully"


Kara wakes up the next morning with a knock at her door "Winn.. you can't just wake me up at 8am.. what the fuck" Winn ignored Kara "Someone.. liked you and messaged you on the dating app I put you on.." Kara still groggy "Winn I told you that shit is dangerous.. no one can find out who I am.." Winn shrugs "And they won't?... you need a dating life Kara.." Kara rolled her eyes and started to get breakfast ready "I assume you want waffles and bacon?" as she looks at Winn who is influenced by his dating app he made for her "Yes please" with a smile on he's face "Wait.. let me cook Kara you will burn down the apartment.." Kara threw the kitchen towel at his face "Hey don't hurt the face" Kara walked away and got ready for work as Supergirl "I'll be back Winn don't break anything.. please" Winn looked at Kara "Hey in my defense it was a huge spider.!" Kara flies off the DEO for the assignments of the day


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