Signal Watch

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Lena is shaken by Edge a bit but showed him no fear until he left, she sat at her desk crying, she grabs her signal watch but wasn't sure if the Hero was busy. She presses it anyway not thinking much of it within seconds Supergirl is in her office going towards Lena "Hey hey what happened are you hurt?" Lena shook her head and smirked a little "Edge is being a bitch after he saw CatCo written an article about him" Supergirl reaches for the single tear that refuses to fall "I will stop him for you, I don't need you getting hurt" Lena brushed off Supergirls gaze "I'll be fine like I said he is a bitch but he did mention you" Supergirl stood up and walked around Lena's office scanning for any recording devices "He did?" Lena laughed a little "Yeah he thinks I'm fucking you to get your help" Supergirl stopped at her tracks and looked at Lena "I'll fucking bury him" Lena looked shocked "Relax Supergirl, he was just trying to get into my head" Supergirl relaxes her hands that would've bled if she was human "Fine just for you I won't rip him in half" Lena relaxes in her chair "I have your suit ready by the way I was wondering if you wanted to try it on?" Supergirl puts on the newish suit Lena comes over to see what needs to be changed "It fits perfectly thank you Lena" Lena smiled "You're welcome Supergirl anytime now only use this suit when you believe you are going to be exposed to kryptonite" Supergirl looked at Lena noticed the dress more up close than before her lunch with Lena "Yeah sounds good" as Supergirl goes changed back into her original suit she sees Lena back on the couch typing away at her tablet "Miss Luthor?" Lena looked at Supergirl with such ease "Yes?" Supergirl swallows her pride "Have you met my new friend Kara Danvers?" Lena stopped typing "you two know each other?" Supergirl walked in front of her coffee table afraid she said to much "Yes actually.. we grew up together.." Supergirl shut her mouth quickly before she said any further, Lena seemed nervous asking this question "Are you and Kara dating?" Supergirl busted out laughing "No no she's just a really close friend" Lena nodded trying to understand "I asked Kara for an actual date and she left do you think I buried the lead?" Supergirl walked away from Lena and faced the city towards the window "No you... I don't think so I could talk to her if you want me too" Lena denied the conversation they were going to talk about as Lena watches Supergirl move with stride almost like looking at a Goddess but she remembered Supergirl is a Goddess. Supergirl can hear Lena's heart beat quicken and flies off as soon as she saw an opening to end the conversation

"Alex.. she has a crush on both of us what am I suppose to do?" Alex chewed on her chips "Well don't tell her for sure that you and Super are actually more than close friends, why did you even tell her that?" Kara puts her face in the pillow and mumbles enough for Alex to hear "I don't know I wasn't thinking.. and then Lena asked me out today and then I panicked" Alex put her bag of chips down and goes pour herself a drink knowing it's going to be a long night "Well Kara she is really into you, or maybe she's lusting but it doesn't hurt to try and date her" Kara looked at Alex "and what about Supergirl?" Alex shrugged her shoulders "That, is not on me but don't tell her we don't know if she'll hurt you" Kara gets ready for another sad movie and grabs a tub of ice cream from the freezer Alex looks at Kara "I don't know why you don't just put it in the fridge and then use your freeze breath to make it frozen again" Kara rolled her eyes "because a hero's job is never done and tonight I want to relax with my favorite person"

Lena is sitting at her counter in her apartment working on her tablet again, her body is aching to get laid tonight but she decides to hold it off for one more night, She goes takes another shower to relieve herself from the unwanted agony. She flips through Lex'a journal trying to find a way to cure Supergirl if she's ever affected badly by the green kryptonite but her mind went well elsewhere when she remembers Supergirl in her office in her new suit just memorized in her presence, in a matter of minutes she's in the mood again she closes Lex's journal and goes lay down for another sleepless night

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