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Kara and Eliza head to the DEO while Lena heads to L-Corp.

Eliza visibly nervous holds onto Kara's hand tight "You'll be okay E" as they walk towards Alex. "Hey aunt Alex!" Eliza eyes brighten once she saw Alex "hey kiddo! How was your first night in your room?" Eliza voice could sparkle with glitter "it was awesome thank you for making it up for me to use". Alex and Eliza sat together on the med bed "okay Eliza, since you came from Argo, we don't know how long it'll take for your powers to show" Eliza looked confident "I'll be just like mom" Kara almost busted with tears "yes but hopefully stronger and faster then me" Kara mentioned "we have to run several tests to see what you have already and master them" Eliza looked around nervously "are y'all going to run my blood?" Alex could see the look in Eliza eyes "yes but I promise it'll be over quick" Eliza gets ready to the needle to enter but the needle snaps in half Alex looked up at Kara "well she already has super strength" Kara smiles "okay E I'm going to put this bracelet on you, don't worry it won't hurt you it's just a red sun, it'll mimic Argo City and we can run a few samples "ow!" as Eliza winced at the needle entering "you're okay E, I'm right here" Eliza looked into Kara eyes with tiny tears rolling down "and we are done would you like a sucker?" Alex handed Eliza a basket full of candy. Eliza face lit up and took a sucker "hey the needle mark is gone mom?" Kara sat down next to Eliza "so once you have these powers you can heal instantly like me, and you also have super strength, let's go we are going to a quiet room okay?" Eliza took Kara's hand and hopped down and went to a room for just Kara and Eliza to use.

"Now with this room, I won't push you ever so if you feel uncomfortable you let me know and I'll stop right away okay?" Eliza nodded still confused "alright during the red bracelet Alex also put earrings in your ears this will help a bit on the nose from the outside" Eliza nodded and understood "so I want you to try to focus on my heartbeat okay?" Eliza closed her eyes and focused hyper focused on her Karas heartbeat "I hear it and it's fast" Kara smiled "good now what else do you hear?" Eliza said focus "I can hear aunt Alex talking her voice is so soothing" Kara smiled a bit "good what else?" Eliza started to look like she was in pain "hey hey E it's okay" Eliza opened her eyes "I'm sorry momma but it got too loud with the boots walking by and the airplanes" Kara held up to Eliza to come be held Eliza wrapped herself up in Kara's arms "don't be sorry ever, these sounds I'm glad you are recognizing and we've done a good job for today" Eliza smiled "can we go get ice cream now you promised" Kara laughed "yes let's go get ice cream"

Alex called Kara and Lena that night with Eliza blood sample "Sorry for the late call" Lena responded calmly "it's okay Alex we understand, so what did you see?" Alex hesitated "Look Eliza blood sample is like no other, she has both of y'all's genes but she's going to progress faster with her powers and such, it'll be like puberty but so much quicker" Kara finally spoke "puberty? So she's going to have periods and such?" Alex responds "no quite just yet she's still too young she's only 10, I would say around 11 1/2 or 12 her body will adjust, she may not have periods like Lena and I do but she'll have her pms and her body will grow at a faster rate until about 18" Lena nodded and held onto Kara hand "okay thank you Alex anything we need to prepare for?" Lena asked "you may need fire protector for her room in case her heat vision starts" Kara agreed and decided to put a barrier in Eliza's room. "Thank you Alex I appreciate everything the DEO is trying to do for Eliza" Lena said less nervous "anytime she can start school whenever you're ready or homeschool her" Kara talked to Alex privately without hear shot of the others "Lex can't find out" Alex agreed "this is all confidential he will never find out" Kara sighed "thanks Alex, and we will get E on terms with everything when she's ready I don't want to push her" Alex agreed "she'll need something for the heat vision "no not glasses Alex.." Alex laughed "Kara it's the only way she doesn't blow things up" Kara smiled "okay fine I didn't mean to put a hole through the bedroom" Alex laughs "yeah well tell that to mom and the guy who had to put a new wall in"

"Kara she needs to be with kids her own age" Lena mentions "I understand that Lena but if she has any of our smarts she'll graduate at 13" Lena laughed "but she still needs social structure" Kara finally caved in "fine but we will have to keep her near the apartment and L-Corp and DEO security" Lena smiled "already have it handled with L-Corp security as well" Kara kissed Lena and the passion grew within the kiss, the clothes started flying off each other hands finding new things and the love filled the air "I love you Lena" Lena smiled "I love you Kara".

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