National City

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Kara and Lena walked through the portal Alex is on the other side waiting for her favorite people to return "how was Argo?" Alex asked as giving each one a hug "it was beautiful" Lena responded and kissed Kara's cheek "do we have photos?" Kara smiles "yes we do we can show them when we are at game night" Alex smiled "yes game night is still on"

Hank briefed Kara on the situation he had to handle as being her for months "I'm not surprised you had to rescue a snake J'0nn" Kara smiled Lena gave Hank a hug "thank you for taking care of everything while we were away"

Alex and the two of them head towards the conference room. "Lex has been doing everything imaginable to find Eliza" Kara looked furious "well she's in protected hands until she gets a bit older" Alex nodded "Lena, I'm sorry for everything your brother is doing to you, I know you prefer her here" Lena looked sad "I just miss Eliza already". Alex looked at both of them "did you tell mom you named her after her?" Kara smiled "before we left yes"

Kara and Lena finally made it home Lena took a long shower.
Kara opened up their mail to see what's use and overdue even though Alex took care of everything and the DEO. Suddenly she runs across a letter from Lillian Luthor.. she wanted to opened it but didn't and used her X-ray vision. Basically putting it ~I'm happy for you and Kara and the baby~ Kara almost rolled her eyes but thought differently. Kara got dinner ready thanks to Alura teaching her how to cook correctly. Kara smiles remembering the moments she had with her family and alone time with Lena with no powers.

Lena comes out to a full course meal "I guess someone is hungry today" Kara laughed "I couldn't think of what to make so I sort of cooked everything"
Lena chuckled "well I guess we will have left overs any mail?" Kara swallowed her whole half of the pancake "Yea one from Lillian" Lena stopped chewing to open the card "wow my mother sent us a card for our daughter and a savings bond.." Kara looked at Lena "I mean.. she's trying.." Lena annoyed "trying is the least but she could've done this for me growing up" Kara agreed "Yeah so what's for the plan tonight?" Lena looked at the card "Usual sex, movies and sex?" Before Lena could laugh Kara already agreed to the movie and cuddle time

Lex sits by pissed off because he needed the child for the next experiment, to put the the hybrid DNA in himself. Somehow he can become the hero everyone wants. Lillian walks in. "Lex you cannot hurt that child" Lex looked at his mother "why not?" Lillian wasn't assumed "because it's our bloodline, you hurt that child you will be banned from the family just like your father" Lex looked around "why else would I do the experiment?" Lillian looked at Lex "you need to get over the kryptonians" Lex grew frustrated "Fuck the Kryptonians they've ruined my life!" Lillian slapped her son across the face "ENOUGH! You will do as I say!" Lex shocked by his mother's response.

Kara gets a call from Argo

"Mom is everything alright?"

"Yes everything is fine dear Eliza wanted to say good night before she went to bed"

"We'll be there shortly"

Lena and Kara head to Argo after the movie to see Eliza they played a few games. "Your aunt Alex got you tons of board games for us to play" Eliza smiled wide ear to ear "tell aunt Alex I said thank you" Lena smiled back the tears "you're welcome darling, your mother and I have left you a few things you can have until your return safely home with us".

Kara explained to Zor-El "how do we know if she'll have my powers? I understand she's a hybrid" Zor-El hugged Kara closely "if she does you'll be a great teacher my daughter" and kissed her forehead "she might be as stubborn as me" Zor-El smiled "maybe so" Alura came around to sneak on the conversation "she'll be the smartest and most talented child, she has Lena's smarts and yours and when and when she gets her powers Kara she'll be a strong as you or stronger" Kara gave both of parents hugs. Zor-El handed Kara a box "here is this, when is of age and has mastered her powers" Kara knew what it was from the get go.

Lena and Kara head back to National City after Eliza fell to sleep. "I cannot wait to get her home finally" Lena mentioned, Kara held onto Lena "me too"

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