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"I can't wait to bring her home" as Kara and Lena head into the apartment after leaving Argo City.
Kara noticed something is off so she quickly grabs Lena and rushes inside the apartment with her Super suit on.

"Ah there you guys are" as Lex smiles drinking Lena's tea "you know this tea is fantastically made" Kara eyes glared at Lex "what do you want Lex?" as Lena looked past Kara "oh I just want to see my creation" Lena spoke before Kara could "your creation, you put this on yourself you will never see the child ever" Lex got up to walk towards them. Kara quickly grabs him by the collar of his shirt "if you try anything I'll throw you out the window" Lex smiled "listen ladies, I'm suppose to play nice with you from what mom said" as Lex started at Lena with the last part "what the hell does Lillian want?" as Lena says "oh our dearest mother mentioned I can't hurt the child, but she's still my property, so this is by my lawyer" as Lex points at a paper "since the child wasn't born on earth by law the child is mine you haven't signed the paper over to the government" Kara pushed Lex against the wall and sped read the papers "she's ours like it or not and you'll never get ahold of her" Lex smiled "oh it's a little girl! Fantastic!" Lena approached Lex "you will hear from my lawyer Lex because if you haven't understood, I'm the one that gave birth you were just the science donor" Kara grew annoyed "you need to leave Lex now" as Kara let Lex go he left through the portal from his own watch. Lena held onto Kara before she flew off towards Lex "it'll be okay Kara but we need Alex I'll have her come over right away"


Alex looked over the paperwork with Kara and Lena "Look he does have a right to sue for custody he did make the experiment" Lena almost walked off "no we are not allowing him to TAKE HER!" Lena raised her voice in frustration Alex rushed to her "Lena it won't happen the DEO won't allow it to happen" Kara finally got up "the DEO has a hand in this too Lena that puts a lot of pressure on Lex lawyers" Lena started to cry a bit and Alex held Lena's hand "we will fight for her"

Months went by, Lex lost the battle on getting Eliza, Kara and Lena went to Argo every week to see Eliza grow quick and smart. Kara and Lena finally made the decision "I think Eliza can come home" Lena said to Kara, and Kara agreed "since she aged quickly on Argo, once she's here on earth it'll be slowed down a bit" Lena took Kara's hand "let's bring her home" Kara and Lena worked on Eliza's room getting it ready, Alex brought her niece toys and bears and tons of books, Hank hooked her up with tv and Winn got her a console and video games. "She's going to love it!" as Winn gets excited "now it's going to be rough for weeks with her here because of her powers may start right away" everyone nodded "I'll be here for you guys if you need anything" as Hank hugged Kara and Alex nodded in agreement.

Eliza walked through the portal with her moms into her new home, she looks around the apartment with the sun beaming through she feels this energy she wasn't sure about "mom why do I feel so strange?" Kara smiled "there's a lot to explain but right now everything will feel different and I'm right here with you so is momma and aunt Alex". Eliza walked to her room Lena barely keeping the tears from flowing "moms! This is amazing! That's a huge bed! And the toys!" Kara and Lena laughed "you have your own room but if you ever need us we are across the hallway next to the kitchen don't be afraid to come to us for anything" as Lena smiled "momma why are you crying?" Lena instantly wiped her tears "I'm just happy that you are home" Kara held onto Eliza's hand "we have a big day tomorrow we have to take you to my job and get your first check up okay?" Eliza's face grew worried "is something wrong with me?" Kara knelt down in front of Eliza "no no honey you're fine we just need to make sure everything is fine with you, you are perfect the way you are" Eliza smiled "when we are having dinner?" Lena smiled "whenever you like what would you like?" Eliza shrugged her shoulders and looked at her mom "big belly burger?" Kara suggested to Lena "um yes because I have a funny feeling you both will eat everything on the menu" Lena gets ready to order dinner as Kara and Eliza work on her getting Eliza shower started and fresh clothes "hey mom?" Kara looked up at Eliza "yeah?" Eliza handed her clothes after she took them off "are we getting rid of my clothes from Argo?" Kara looked confused "no never why?" Eliza approached the answer carefully "because grandma said I'll grow into them they said it's like your suit that you had" Kara smiled "no never this belongs to you your name is even etched into it just like mine is" Eliza got done with the shower and ate dinner with her moms, and also fell asleep in her new bed.

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