Chapter Twelve

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I decided to change the cover of my book because I didn't really like it. So check it out and tell me what you Dislike?
Your P.O.V.


"I already know Normani, I know." I sighed sitting in my backyard. It had been a month since the incident and I knew this day would come. They would have to go on tour, but I never thought it would hurt this bad.

"We don't wanna leave, but management said we had no choice." Ally's voice spoke behind me as I look out at the horizon watching the sun set.

"I understand, I don't want you disappointing the Harmonizers because of me, I get it. Its just, i'll miss you girls." I admitted looking over my shoulder to all five of the girls.

"We'll miss you more." Lauren smiled walking in front of me and leaned down to engulf me in a hug.

"Yeah Ninj, we'll miss y.." Dinah was interrupted by her phone ringing. "Sorry its management I have to get this." I nodded my head reassuring her it was okay as she walked back inside my house.

"So you're getting your stitches out tomorrow, how does it feel?" Camila said excitedly clapping her hands like a child causing me to giggle.

"Great actually, I love the idea of having my body looking a little how it was before." I sighed happily, placing my hand down on my shirt and feeling the stitches through the fabric. It almost didn't hurt at all.

"Our flight leaves at 3:30pm and your appointment is at 10:00am, so we will be able to be there with you." Normani explained and I smiled.

"I have bad news." Dinah sighed walking back out from my house causing all of us to look at her in curiosity. "But I also have good news." She smiled.

"Bad news first." I said and everyone else nodded.

"Okay well we have to leave at 3am tomorrow morning because our management scheduled multiple meetings for us about rehearsals. So we wont make it to your appointment Ninj." Dinah said and my stomach dropped. So today is my last day with them? Its almost 9:00pm already and we barley did anything today.

"We already got our performances perfect!" Lauren yelled causing me to flinch.

"They said we needed to change some staging because some of the arenas we will be performing at are small, meaning we have to change our positions too." Dinah explained while Lauren walked back and forth running her fingers threw her hair. I quickly placed my hand on her shoulder once she stepped in front of me causing her to look at me. She looked so angry, was it that important to her that the girls and her would miss my appointment?

"But the good news is one of our makeup artist quit." Dinah said earning our attention again.

"How is that good news D-Mac?" Ally questioned.

"I didn't like her, she always purposely messed up my makeup sometimes." Dinah said wiping away some of her eye makeup that was messed up.

"But thats not really the good news, the good news is we our getting our own tour bus in a month and we have extra bunks. I know just the person to ask." Dinah smirked looking at me.

"W-what? Me?" I asked kinking my eyebrow.

"Well like I said, we our getting it in a month so you'd miss a couple shows, but you'll be with us for three weeks." Dinah explained and I looked at her with a blank expression. What is happening right now?

"Come on Ninj, it'll be fun!" Normani smiled placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Uh, I would have to ask my parents." I exclaimed.

"We'll ask at dinner tonight." Camila said and I nodded. Am I really gonna go on tour with Fifth Harmony?
"Jacob? Alex? What are you doing here?" I questioned as I opened the door since the other girls were in the kitchen helping my mom fix dinner.

"Well Alex here wanted to see you." Jacob said looking over at the small Latina who was looking down at her fingers.

"Uhh well come on in." I said stepping a side letting my two best friends in. We walked into the living room. They sat down on the long couch while I sat on the single chair across from them.

"Are the five girls still here?" Alex asked and I nodded pointing to the kitchen where a lot of giggling came from.

"Well how are you feeling Y/N?" She shyly spoke. She had been like this ever since the girls had stayed in North Carolina.

"Good, how about you?" I said leaning back on the couch getting comfortable.

"Good as well." She whispered loud enough for Jacob and I to hear while looking down at her hands.

"Okay! This is awkward. Alex why don't I give you and Y/N time to talk so you can tell her that thing you've wanted to tell her." Jacob said clapping his hands before sprinting into the kitchen, where i suppose he was aggravating my mom about enough seasoning on food and stuff.

"You need to tell me something?" I asked kinking my eye brow and standing up to sit next to her.

"Y-yeah." Alex shyly said scooting closer to me so there was no space between us. "What would you do if one of your best friends had a crush on you?" I have a feeling where this is going.

"Uh, well I would politely tell them i'm not ready, especially since-"

"Yeah, you don't have to bring that topic up. I know how you hate talking about your past." Alex interrupted me. I was glad she did because she wasn't wrong, I hated talking about my past.

"Well i'm not going to lie anymore, I just need to get this off my chest." she lifted her head up to look at me and that made our faces centimeters apart. I could feel her breath on my lips and it caused memories to rush back. The memories i've tried to forget most of my life came popping back into my head as she glanced down at my lips.

I soon began to freak out when Alex started leaning in, thats the same way he leaned in as well, Vico. I jolted back hard causing me to fall off the couch and close my eyes. Trying to fight away his face from my thoughts, I could feel tears sliding down my face and I wiped away every one that fell.

"Y/N? Y/N whats wrong?" I heard Alex say placing her hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch and open my eyes to meet with her's. They were filled with so much worry, something I hated seeing.

"Whats wrong? What happened?" Jacob yelled running back into the room followed by the five girls and my mom.

"Nothing, I need some air." I said standing up from the ground and jogging out the front door to our porch. I hated people worrying about me, everyone had the same look, worry, pity, sympathy, it just made me feel weaker than I already was.

Now the memory of Vico made me drown in my own past, again. I can't fight it, I'll always lose. How the hell am I supposed to deal with this as well? I think I do need help.

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