Part 4

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I smiled happily down at my phone reading the text message.

Lisa: Goodmorning Nini! Hope you slept well. :)

I instantly typed back a reply.

Me: Goodmorning Lilii, I slept just fine, you? <3

Oh shit, was the heart too much? Fuck, fuck fuck fuc- my phone dinged.

Lisa: I slept fine too. <3

I blushed furiously.

"She sent a heart back.." I said quietly.

My phone dinged again.

Lisa: I'll be waiting for you at school later. Can't pick you up, early workouts ya know. :)

I bit my lip and thought.

She must be ripped under the clothes she wears.

I shook my head when my phone dinged again.

Lisa: You still there?

Me: Okay Lili, I'll wait for you then. Have fun working out! :)

Lisa: Ttys Nini. <3

She sent it first this time.. My heart is beating so fast.

Me: Ttys Lili. <33

I quickly jumped off my bed and hurriedly did my morning routine.

I couldn't help but smile at everyone I walked past.

"You seem happy today." Rosie said.

I looked to my left and smiled at Rosie, "I'm always happy Rosie Posie."

She grinned, "You're really happy today Jen. What happened with you and Lisa yesterday?"

I shrugged, "Nothing. She walked me home as usual."

"Oh, I don't believe you one bit!" She said.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking inside the school building.

She started to pull my arm, "Pleasee tell me what happenedd."

I giggled, "Nothing really happened Rosie, believe me."

She let me go and pouted, "Lame. I thought for a second you confessed and hit it off with Lisa."

I shook my head and smiled at her, "No silly."

Jisoo jumped in front of us out of nowhere.

"Jisooo!" Rosie yelled but then hugged her girlfriend tightly.

Jisoo grinned, "Did I scare you?"

Rosie nodded against her neck which made Jisoo laugh.

"Don't you guys have early workouts?" I asked confusedly.

"They canceled it."

I looked back and saw Lisa walking up to us. She smiled at me, making me return the smile back.

"Jennie's a little too happy, Lisa." Rosie said out of the blue.

I looked back at her and glared.

Lisa chuckled, "That's good. I'm glad she's happy."

I looked back at Lisa and smiled warmly.

"Hey guys." Kai said with the whole basketball crew behind him.

"Yo, what's up?" Lisa asked.

"Nothing, we just saw you guys." He replied back.

"Turns out we have this thing going on in the auditorium the whole day for seniors only." Jackson said.

"Why?" I asked.

V shrugged, "'Cause someone smoked weed in the bathroom."

I pouted, "Not a lecturee."

Lisa smiled and poked my cheek, "Don't worry, I'll be there with you Nini."

I smiled up at her.

V eyed us and then spoke, "We'd be there Jennie."

I looked at him and nodded, "That's good."

As we walked to the auditorium and opened the doors, we saw all the other seniors already seated.

"Damn, we all can't sit next to each other." Jungkook said sadly.

Kai shrugged, "Let's see if there's any available seats near each other so we won't be far apart."

Lisa nudged my arm and nodded to two empty seats.

She grabbed my hand and intertwined them together making me smile and blush.

She walked us to the seats and sat down.

We looked up at V when we saw him rushing here but stopped.

He frowned at Lisa.

Lisa spoke up while raising an eyebrow, "Yeah bro?"

He looked at me then at Lisa, indicating something.

Lisa shook her head, "Nah, there's other seats somewhere."

He furrowed his eyebrows but walked off.

I leaned in and whispered, "What was that?"

She looked at me and smiled, "Nothing Nini."

I nodded and looked ahead.

I glanced down and saw we were still holding hands. I smiled when she squeezed gently.

I looked around and spotted Rosie and Jisoo sitting together. I looked around again and noticed V behind us, still furrowing his eyebrows while looking at us.

I smiled at him, he only nodded.

I looked back up front and sighed in content.

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