Part 5

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When the lecture was over Lisa was called over by the basketball team.

I was confused but shrugged it off.

I waited for Lisa for two hours now since she's supposed to walk me home but she never showed up.

I guess she stood me up.

I frowned at the thought and walked myself home.

I got a text message from Lisa and decided to reply back at home.

Once I sat on my bed, I opened the text.

Lisa: Sorry Jennie, had to go out with the boys.

I smiled.

Me: It's okay Lili, I waited for a few hours but it doesn't matter. Are you okay?

Lisa: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Me: Idk, your text messages are throwing me off a bit tbh.

Lisa: I'm fine Jennie.

Me: Okay good.

Lisa: I'll ttys, okay?

I frowned.

Me: Oh, okay. Cya.

Left on read. Huh. That's odd.

I dropped my phone and pouted, "Lili is acting weird."

I grabbed my phone and called Rosie. After three rings she picked up.

"Helloooo." Rosie said through the phone.

I pouted, "Rosieee."

"Yes Jennieee."

"Lili is acting weird."

"How so?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, she just is. She left me hanging waiting for her for two hours, she didn't show up and didn't walk me home like always and now her texts are acting weird too."

Rosie laughed, "A text is acting weird?"

I groaned, "That's not what I meant. She just.. I don't know. She doesn't seem like herself though."

She sighed, "Maybe she's going through something? I honestly don't know anything Jennie, she seemed pretty fine to me when she left to talk to those jocks."

I sighed, "She's been acting weird after they talked to her. What if they told her something?"

Rosie hummed, "That could be a possibility but I don't know. If she acts weird tomorrow, ask her about it. I got to go now, Mom's making pasta!"

I smiled, "Okay, bye."


She hung up.

I laid down on my bed and thought.

Maybe it does have to do with the basketball team.

I slowly drifted off to sleep after a while.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I grabbed my phone and pressed snooze.

"No text from Lili.." I frowned.


I headed to school all alone again.

I spotted Lisa at her locker and smiled when we locked eyes but she looked away.

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over to her.

"Goodmorning Lili."

She looked at me and nodded, "Morning Jennie."

"You never texted me earlier." I said.

She shrugged, "I forgot."

"Oh." I said and frowned.

I was gonna grab her hand but she moved away from me.


"Are you okay Lisayah?" I asked quietly.

She nodded, "Never better."

Why is she acting so cold to me..? It's hurting me.

I mumbled out, "Okay.."

"Hey Jennieee." Rosie said and patted my back.

"Hi.." I answered back softly.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

I nodded.

"I'm sensing something different between you two." Rosie said.

I shook my head, "Everything is fine."

Rosie looked up at Lisa, "Well?"

Lisa nodded, "Yeah. I'm gonna go, bye."

Lisa stormed off.

"What's her problem?" Rosie asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know but it hurts so much Rosie.."

Her eyes softened and she hugged me, "It's okay, maybe it's the time of her month."

I shook my head and started to tear up, "No it's not, something's off about my Lili, Rosie. I can feel it."

She moved back and cupped my cheeks, "Don't cry, okay? I'll ask Jisoo what's wrong with her."

I nodded while sniffling.

The bell rang so we went to class.

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