Part 8

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I smiled at V apologetically, "I'm sorry V but I don't feel that way for you."

He frowned, "But I gave you all those flowers and chocolates.."

I shook my head, "I don't like chocolate.."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't know that."

I smiled, "Because you never asked."

He nodded, "I'm sorry Jennie."

"It's okay V, don't be sorry." I said.

He smiled, "Can we walk and talk?"

I nodded, "Of course."


I smiled widely when V dropped me off at school, "Thanks for the ride. I appreciate it a lot."

He grinned, "No problem Jen."

I nodded to the school, "I'm gonna go ahead, okay?"

He nodded, "I'll catch up later."

I smiled and proceeded to walk inside. I spotted Lisa and gummy smiled. I waved at her and she waved back with the same look she gave me twice already.

"Something is def going on between you and Lisa." Rosie said right next to me.

"Huh?" I looked at her confusedly.

"Come on Jennie, you aren't dumb. The eyes never lie. The way she's looking at you, it's like she's in love with you." Rosie said which made my heart beat rapidly.

Eyes never lie.

"Oh.." I whispered out.

She nudged me, "Friends don't look at friends that way."

Friends don't look at friends that way..

I smiled widely. I looked at Lisa again and caught her looking at me still, smiling widely as well.

The bell rang so we went to class.

Throughout the whole class, I kept catching Lisa across the room looking at me nonstop, making me smile so much. Her eyes sparkle everytime too.

After a half an hour, I noticed Kai whispering something in her ear when the bell rang for next class.

She froze in her spot.

I was about to go to her but she looked at me and gave me the most dirtiest look ever.

My heart dropped.

I whispered out, "Lisa.."

She then stormed out the room.


It's been 2 days ever since Lisa has started to be cold to me again.

I groaned out loud. I don't want to go to school today.

My phone dinged. I looked at it and saw it was V who messaged me.

V: Jennie, want me to pick you up again?

I sighed, "No."

I began to type.

Me: No thanks, might stay in. Not feeling well.

V: Oh, I'm gonna miss you in school then. :(

I rolled my eyes, "My answer will remain as no V. Stop trying and stop missing me."

Me: Boohoo. :(

V: I'll text you soon, driving rn. Bye!

I didn't bother texting him back.

After 4 hours, Rosie texted me.

Hubby: Why didn't you come, huh? I'm bored without you.

Hubby: It's been 4 hours Jenniee!!

Hubby: Wifey please come. It's lunch too, pleaseee. Jisoo isn't here either, I'm so lonelyy.

Me: Okay okay, I'll go to school just for you.

Hubby: YESSS!!!

I giggled but then stopped and texted back.

Me: Have you seen her..?

Hubby: Yes. She's been giving everyone that death glare. I think she's mad mad.

I sighed.

Me: Omw.

I got ready and went to school.

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