Part 10

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3 weeks later.

Prom was amazing. Even though the basketball team was pissed off and Lisa did lose her spot on the team which got Jisoo mad and she quit herself, Rosie, Jisoo, Lisa and I went together as a group and had a blast.

I lost my virginity to Lisa that night as well. Never once have I regretted it. It seemed perfect for that night. Remember when I said she must be ripped under the clothes she wears? Well... yeah. She fucking is. But anyways, ever since that night, Lisa has been such a horn dog but I don't really care because it's so cute when she pouts because I say no to her. But then the other side, when I do say yes... she's so sexy.

It's graduation time so when they called me first my family and friends yelled, even Lisa. And when they called her name, we did the same. Same for my bestfriend, Rosie and Jisoo.

I smiled widely when Lisa walked up to me.

She picked me up and kissed me, putting me back down, "You look beautiful baby."

I laughed, "You always say I'm beautiful."

She grinned, "Because it's true, my love."

I blushed and slapped her chest.

"Yahhh." I pouted which made her chuckle.

"Congratulations guys!" Jisoo said and Rosie nodded.

"Congratulations." Rosie said.

"You too, guys." Lisa said and smiled.

I hummed and leaned against Lisa's chest, holding her as close as possible.


We turned and saw our family all together.

We smiled widely.

"Hi Mom." I said.

"Hello darling, hello Lisa and ladies." Mom said and they all bowed. Mom continued, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." We all said in unison.

After we all talked to our families we then bid goodbyes.

I held Lisa's hands as we walked down the streets with our cap and gowns off now.

"I can't wait to live my life with you, Jennie. My dream is finally coming true." Lisa said and sighed happily.

I looked up at Lisa and gummy smiled, "I can't wait either Lisa. I love you so much, baby."

Lisa brought our intertwined hands up and kissed mine, "I love you so much, Jennie. So so much."

I smiled and looked up at the sky, finally happy. With my heart intact.

With her by my side.


Sorry if it doesn't make sense. It's my imagination and I was inspired by the music and artist itself.

Quick story but I hoped you liked it! <3

I apologize if it's bad though. ;(

There was a lot of references from the Music up in Part 1 so if you noticed any of it.. ;))

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