Part 9

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"Jennie!" Rosie yelled out and hugged me as a piece of rice was stuck on her lip.

She pulled back. I wiped it off her lip and giggled, "You had rice on your lip."

She smiled, "Lunch is too good to miss today."

I shook my head, "I ate on my way here."

"Really? What did you eat?" She asked, practically drooling.

"Wendys." I showed her the bag I'm holding. "I have leftovers, you can have it if you want." I said and smiled when she grabbed the bag off my hands.

"I love you so much Jenniee." She said and giggled.

I laughed, "I love you too."

She began to eat the leftovers.

I excused myself to the ladies room since I have to go wash my hands.

As I walked in someone else walked in behind me and closed the door.

I turned and froze when I saw Lisa.

She's glaring at me.

"Hi Lisa.."

She frowned, "I told you to not go out with him."

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"V. Why did you go on a date with him?" She asked and stepped close to me.

"I did-" She cut me off.

"Jesus Jennie, I told you not to go and not date him but you did the total opposite!" She yelled angrily at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What the fuck, Lisa?"

She pointed at me, "No Jennie. What the fuck? I told you to listen and you didn't."

I scoffed, "Oh? Am I supposed to listen to you from now on? Who are you, my mom?"

She ran her hand through her hair, "I asked for one fucking thing. One fucking favor from you."

I glared at her, "Fuck you Lisa. What the fuck are you doing to me? Do you think my feelings for you is a fucking game? Why do you keep toying with me and my emotions? Why are you messing with me?"

"Wha-" It was my turn to cut her off.

"No Lisa. Fuck you seriously. You always give me mixed feelings. One day you're all sweet and loving the next you fucking hate my guts. I don't even know what we are. I can't even tell if I love you or fucking hate you more. Like what the fuck is wrong with you Lis-"

"Jennie." She spoke but I continued.

"And you say we will never happen yet you almost fucking kissed me in the dark. Fuck, do you love me or not? Do you even care about me or fucking what? You keep hurting me Lisa and it fucking stings! You keep breaking my heart pieces by piece. What have I done wrong? Why is my love for you such a fucking sin? Why? Why!!" I said angrily as tears pooled out of my eyes.

Lisa cupped my cheeks and pressed her lips against mine.

My eyes widened and I froze in shock.

She pulled back and wiped my tears away, "I don't hate you Jennie, I never have. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm so sorry for making you hurt and breaking your heart. The feeling has always been mutual. Your love for me isn't a sin."

I can't help but cry even more.

I gripped her collar with one fist while the other kept hitting her chest repeatedly, I choked out, "Why, Lili? Why?"

"It's hard to explain." She whispered, "But I'm sick and tired of hiding and pretending."

I looked into her eyes, she's doing it again.. the look.

"What do you mean.." I said.

She leaned in and kissed me. This time, I could react so I kissed her back.

We pulled apart after a moment.

She smiled down at me, "I love you Jennie. I have loved you since I laid eyes upon you in freshman year. I just didn't know how and when to confess but fuck Jennie, I really fucking love you."

I smiled gently, "I love you too."

She grinned down at me and stepped back, "So, did you or did you not go out with V?"

I rolled my eyes, "I never went out on a date with him. It was just friends going out to eat. I told him I don't have feelings for him."

Lisa smiled widely which made me grin at her.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I tiptoed up to make our nose touch. I whispered, "Why have you been making me feel like shit for such a long ass time..?"

Lisa frowned, "I'm sorry Nini. I was threatened by the basketball team."

I frowned as well, "What? Why?"

"Because V likes you. They and he himself wanted me to back off from you so he can have you."

"I never knew V was this evil.. He never showed me such a side." I said.

Lisa smiled, "Of course he wouldn't, he likes you after all."

I shook my head, "We should tell the office about this."

Lisa chuckled, "No. It's fine."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What the fuck did they threaten you with?"

"I would be kicked out of the basketball team. My dream of becoming a basketball player/star would be crushed but hey, I don't care anymore. I care about you more, Jennie." Lisa said.

"No Lisa. That's wrong on so many levels. It has been your dream since forever and they wanna take that away from you?"

She tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and grinned, "It's okay because my dream is to be with you forever now."

I pouted, "But Lisa.."

She leaned down and pecked my lips, "Trust me Jennie. It's okay."

I sighed and let it go.

"On a real note though..." She continued, "Graduation is in a few weeks and I don't have a girlfriend yet for Prom too."

I smiled widely and laughed when she wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

I giggled, "Ask me."

Lisa smiled, "Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend and going to Prom with me?"

I grinned, "Why yes Lalisa Manobal."

She picked me up and twirled us around, peppering my face with kisses, making me giggle even more.

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