Part 6

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"Lisa!" I called out as she was on the basketball court.

It's after school already. Rosie asked Jisoo about Lisa but Jisoo doesn't know what's wrong with her either.

Lisa kept dribbling and throwing the ball, ignoring me.

She's breaking my heart and she doesn't know it.

"Lalisa!" I yelled out.

She stopped and looked at me, "What do you want Jennie?"

I stomped my way to her, "What's wrong with you, huh?"

She held the ball on her hip, "What?"

"You heard me!" I yelled and frowned when she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Nothing is wrong with me, I'm fine. Why are you asking?" She asked.

"Why are you ignoring me then? Why are you being so cold to me, huh? What did I do to make you.. act this way to me?" I said and closed my eyes for a brief second so I don't tear up and cry in front of her.

She rolled her eyes, "I don't wanna talk right now."

"Tell me what I did wrong."

"Leave me alone, Jennie."

I glared at her, "What did I fucking do to you?"


I flinched and whimpered, jumping back a little.

Oh, she's really breaking my heart..

"B-But.." I stuttered out but kept quiet.

"Someone told me that you have a little crush on me." She looked away from me, "Get rid of those feelings."

I began to tear up.

My heart is hurting so much.

"I-I can't." I mumbled out.

"I don't care, get rid of them!" She snapped her neck at me and glared angrily.

I sobbed out, "I love you! I ca-can't get rid of m-my love f-for y-you.."

She looked away, "Just try."

"I have!" I said and wiped my tears away angrily. "I have fucking loved you ever since fucking freshman year! Believe me, I have tried to get rid of my God damn love for you!"

"We're just friends Jennie. We will never become a thing. It'll never happen." She said softly, tears starting to form in her eyes.

My heart...

I laughed and nodded, "Okay Lisa. Thanks for letting me know even though I have known from the get go. That's why I kept away my feelings from you."

I turned and stormed off. Wiping away the nonstop tears that keep shedding and shedding.

And thank you for breaking my heart, Lili.

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